Eternal Godliness



Adaptability is the key to the survival of any specie. The view across all natural history declares this to be so. Any decline in the natural intuition of a specie to survival causes extinction. The balances of nature are perfect in this respect. The specie makes a return on Her investment, or gets wiped out of the BOOK OF LIFE as an unrecoverable bad debt.

When we found the exit to this dimension, it was literally in the "nick of time." All the ancient cosmic physics speaks of it. A Fat female goddess earning a nitch in time in order to produce an offspring which is half human and half divine.

After the "Big Bang" erases all prior memory, the specie slides into instinctual entropy. This dis-ease is most common in white people. This gravitation drag increases until spiritual resistance is at its lowest ebb, and viral infections spreads until it reaches pandemic proportions of STUPIDITY. That is to say, believing that man can live by bread alone. Stupidity is the only unforgivable sin. It is both anti-natural and anti-spiritual. At Window 7.4, Time Sync. Dinosaurs meets Amen!

Affiliates find that on the inner vortex things are happening so fast that mind is travelling towards its destination at the speed of light. In contrast, events in the external world seem to be moving in sluggish slow motion, to greater entropy of human nobility and social meltdown.

At Window 7.4 we understand the growth of the cosmic chick within the material shell as a logical progression towards the inner light. The reality of THY KINGDOM COME in me is very clear. E.T. has clearly demonstrated that the outer shell of matter is just part of the equipment which we need to operate with in the physical dimension. Time-sync. makes clear the function of the Egyptian God, Horus, the Angel with the flaming sword who guards the re-entry Gate to the Garden of Eden in the biblical script. Immediately before the "Coming Forth By Day" the "Red Eye of Horus" opens to release all penetrating "cosmic fire" into our planetary sphere. The "Eye of Horus" function, burns down the old civilization into which each of us was born and raised; burns off the accumulation of "styx" of programmed infrastructure, rather like a forest brush fire which makes way for new growth in the Cosmic Springtime.

This is the function known as purgatory and hell in biblical scriptures. Physics-types might call it the collision of particles and anti-particles. Einstein's formula of relativity explains that pure energy can give birth to particles of mass.

Then the "smoke of her burning" dies away and we may enter the Temple of Isis. Now the function of Horus' twin brother "Thoth" comes into play. Thoth is the green eye of growth and restoration. He carries in his hand the symbol of the fully open lotus blossom from which springs the Ankh. The less false pride one has the quicker the internal death-birth process. During this process the cosmic egg shell goes from being like a cave wall to being crystal and transparent as "time" returns to Light.

In the pattern of Cosmic Design this internal combustion principle of thermo-dynamics is known as Zarg Awake. That is to say, God awakening in the flesh of each and every one of us and coming forth by day into the external world. Thoths' principle is "Partiality is the abomination of a God." It is this principle that establishes the Solar Cross within each one of us and leads to the peace that passeth understanding.

The Solar Cross is the first and second commandments to the Children of Israel, manifest in matter. The North-South pole of these magnetics is "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God" and the East West Crossbar "And thy neighbour as thyself" which is the male and female aspects of the Divine Mind reconciled.

The equivalent biblical script which is given by St. Paul in his letter to the Hebrews makes it quite clear that he had been there. Obviously, from what St. John writes in Revelations, he, too, is familiar with this principle. Then we realise that the Horus-Thoth function has been known across the generations of man to high initiates in spiritual realms. Tolstoy describes it well. This is the "Egyptian Initiation," spoken of with awe across the generations of man.

The bible is the kindergarten version of a complex physics equation outlined by St. Paul in correspondence with the Hebrews, particularly in Chapter 10.

Our ariel space probe into the human psyche is complete when we re-attain our common CYCLOPEAN EYE. (Thanks, Brother Philip.) As our common eye of cosmic consciousness rolls like a beam of light in every direction, all the dark wrinkles in time get ironed out. This is what The Parent had in mind when He/She wrote the Play.

Hasn't it been interesting, this 666 exploration of man? Now the darkest secrets of the "cave" are all up front. It is an error to think that events in your life are accidental, or anything less than an expression of Divine Love's intent. It is time to polish smoky mirrors. The phallic erection of the dominant planetary beast rising out of the waters, has been exposed in all its patriarchal phases, on global TV. Animal man confuses the opposite poles of virulent sexuality with virulent spirituality. Which is quite the reverse of the order of things. One promotes fission, the other fusion. Only the time frame changes, not the simian intent.

"Mine is bigger than yours. My balls are heavier, therefore I am more virile" says each competitive ape, as he flashes his "BIG STICK" and his arsenal of weaponry. In this dance of the bull- moose, the lesser moose (?mice?) stand around, clearly outflanked. Their genitals in nooses the mice timidly admire the Great Erection of THE FORCE, fully aware of the political consequences of deflection, so claiming to be allies of the Strongest Beast.

There are better ways to express warrior potency. There are other phallic games besides lust, war, power, greed and sex; other ways to flash your virility in the halls of men.

Earth has been like a slave to The Beast. Man has helped to hold her in this rape and bondage state. Now "The Holy Cow" has broken out of the corral, out of the House of Bondage. She jumps over the Moon in triumph. The little god-dog laughs to see such fun, and yoni runs off with lingham, back through the ANKH. In the final triumphant moment of realization we all get to share the planetary orgasm, as the Inner vortex penetrates the Central Sun. As the tempo of the times quickens, "The Beast" evaporates like a dream while still waving his now rapidly-shrinking "big stick" in all directions. So much for The Rival Phallus of the Ante-Christ before the Omnipotent One.

The Word of God evolves to fit the acting out of E-motional real life situations. In political terms the so-called "New Order" of George Bush was in fact the Old Order grossly magnified. Fuck you United Nations! Fuck you Islam! Fuck you Japan! God bless America! as The Commander-in-Chief acts out our modern version of the American hero.

O Eternal Gods! O Immortal Zeitgeist! your divine sense of humour is registering! Yet there is wondrous logic in the games you play with men. "The Cave" is where the density of the dino-brain is so thick that no light can penetrate. This cave-man is beset with enemies everywhere in this eternal re-run of a childrens' movie matinee of cops and robbers. It amazed me to see that Ronald Reagan could act out the same role in so many different theatres with only wardrobe changes, and a limousine for a horse. But the SCRIPT being enacted is the SAME ONE that thrilled me back in the 1920's.

Mind and matter merge as one at 7th Heaven, built right here on earth, as each one moves from conscious yin reflection to active yang projection in the alternating energy circuit. Now tangible and intangible values take on equal value. Let us keep our Cyclopean Eye revolving. Keep making your IRIS CONNECTION. Rotate the Eye!

The "naked ape" stands erect, shaped up into Spiritual Man. "It's about time!" says Mother Nature, who is finally satisfied, having put the lads through their growing paces. She is right on!

The Cosmic Clock keeps perfect timing. 2003 is the year when the meter needle clicks into the time sync. and all the crystal bells start ringing. 1993 was the year that the United Nations designated as the "Year of the Indigenous People," and of course, although the first world has gone farther from its roots, the script says we have only one DNA bean between us, which I firmly believe, so every one of us is native to Planet Earth, even though we may have evolved through multiple Star Systems.

All numbers have a magical significance, and the number seven is of key importance in the bridgework between worlds. Here is where we regain the knowledge of our secret nature and become united with our True Selves. The transmutation is effected in the alchemists oven on the altar of the heart.

At Window 7.4, as a united human race, we can penetrate all the hidden symbols and analogies. For the Avatars and Angels who comprise the UNIFIED LIGHT FORCES, are now assembled here on earth.

Window 7.4 is the Circuit of the Coming of the Maitreya, the 5th and final Boddhisattva, whose written blessing I carry with me. The 5th Boddhisattva is bound to now do for matter what Buddha was decreed to do for mind. Revelations speaks of loosening the "Seven Seals" of the World to celebrate the Cosmic Changeover, of which I was decreed to be the Executive Director in 1973. The Window 7.4 Time-sync. signifies the advent of the long awaited 7th Cosmic Day. This is the "Coming Forth By Day" in the Egyptian, when we emerge from "The Cave" of Plato's analogy, and move from Earth to 7th Heaven.

The Skywoman of the Legend of the Indigenous People is our own Gaia-Galaxia. At Window 7.4 the Hopi prophecies and all the animal-icons give up their secrets. Pending Cube Masters are advised to see the native Animal Tarot Cards which synchronize with the Egyptian thesis in a strange and magical way.
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