Eternal Godliness

Joy happens within the moment. Joy activates the soul. True joy comes from following the higher purpose of your soul. Joy is something you experience now. If you feel there are reasons why you can’t experience joy right now, begin to create reasons why you can. If you're looking to the future to allow joy into your life, it may always remain just out of your reach.

Joy radiates from the center of your being. If you're looking outside yourself for joy, you will not find it. You won’t find joy in any situation that enslaves you to outer outcomes and situations.

Emotional Freedom is the Key to Experiencing Joy

It is usually emotions that snare you into joyless situations. That is why the key to experiencing joy is emotional freedom. If you find yourself in any situation or relationship that is not bringing you joy, it’s time to examine your beliefs. You will want to look closely to see if you hold any beliefs that say you must do anything that doesn't bring you joy. Often, when you look deeply into circumstances devoid of joy, you find that at the root the belief that you believe you don't deserve joy.

As a Divine being, your birthright is all the love, abundance and joy the universe has to offer. If you believe otherwise, it’s time to transform these beliefs to bring them into alignment with the Divine perfection of your spirit.

You're not obligated to do anything that doesn’t bring you joy. You’re not obligated to spend time with those who drain your energy, dishonor or disrespect you. As a Divine being, you can look at each person through the eyes of spirit and see what, if anything, you can do to help heal or assist them. If a person insists on remaining in a negative feeling state, you don’t have to allow them to pull down your energy. It is never for your highest good or that of another to lower your resonance in this way.

Focus on the Blessings in Your Life

Spend time appreciating what you have, noticing the moments of small blessings as you go through your day. Nature is a portal into joy. Notice flowers and sky. Notice the full moon through the trees. Notice night sounds in the woods. Notice the way the sun radiates off the surface of water.

Notice where you place your attention. Where do you put your time, energy and focus? It’s important to spend time in ways that help you in realize your highest good.

Create a ‘Joy’ List

Make a list of what you love, what brings you joy. What you love is directly linked to your spiritual purpose. The things on your joy list that you feel most drawn to right now represent steps you can take in your present moment to fulfill your spiritual purpose. As you take these steps, the path unfolds before you. In this sense, all roads lead to the same place. Don’t be concerned with what you "must" do now. Allow your journey to be a joyful dance with spirit as you allow each moment to unfold its own beauty and perfection.

Excerpt from Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your
Dreams by DL Zeta
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    * wow ~ just as relevant today as it was last year ((((LOVE))))*