Eternal Godliness

by Lauren Gorgo

Chances are if you have been following my work for several years, you could be defined as a path-cutter/pioneer/warrior/trailblazer/way-shower. How do you know?

The ascension journey has been a long an arduous uphill battle for the first wave of warrior souls and the trek began roughly in 1999/2000. For the last decade this group served as the trailblazers and divining rods anchoring higher dimensional energies on earth and clearing the way forward so that we could all take our rightful place in the universe as a civilized and peaceful planet.

For these souls, this meant walking into the line of fire, seemingly blind-folded, and with no proof of the destiny each envisioned...only an inner-compass to use for navigation, psychic perception as a guide, and sharp swords of truth to cut through the density of man-made fear and illusion.

And not everyone who originally intended to, made it. Some fell by the wayside, got distracted in illusions and delusions (which was VERY easy to do considering there was barely any support for this new way of being), some just didn't have the strength to endure...tho all will eventually arrive in time.

For those warriors who battled through, hung on and who have sufficiently cleared the many illusions of human limitation, you will be the teachers/guides of a new era, a new consciousness and the new scientists and physicists of divine alchemy!

In short, the first brigade is now set up to serve the next...they will have human guides and physical resources whereas the first brigade was limited to spirit guides and intuition.

The June solstice landing point was an important step as so much needed to be in place for this very special family to reunite.

And this is precisely what is happening now...even thru this forum!...the call has been sent out by each of you longing to reunite with your soul family and so many of these reconnections are in the process of being made.

For this group of souls, "soon" has arrived. The June solstice of 2009 served to completely ground the new earth (5th dimensional) energies into the bodies and lives of the first brigade warriors who will be set free to finally and consciously cocreate their visions of a new earth and the many manifestations that will build the physical structures to support new earth living. This group knows full well by now that they have "arrived"... though the physical proof is still on the way.

Here's to the mighty, courageous & ...crazy

1 Response
  1. Excellent post my friend. Loved the photo that went along with it.

    Namaste, my brother, love is all there is. all else is illusion...