Eternal Godliness

June 7, 2009 by john smallman

The One Divine Message that God is permanently transmitting to all sentient beings is this: “You are all infinitely loved and infinitely acceptable, and no other reality is possible.”

It is just presented in different forms and different words so that each of you may find it presented in the way that resonates perfectly with your own deep inner knowing.

We are all one with God and with each other even as we experience ourselves as totally unique individuals quite different from anyone else. Consequently we are all capable of receiving the only Divine Message that exists and presenting it in our own highly individualistic style.

This is the wonder that is God – All are One and All are Unique Individuals. As a result the variety of lives that we can live and the variety of experiences that we can taste are infinite and abundant. Everything experienced, every life lived is an amazing and fulfilling lesson that brings increasing wisdom to all. No lesson, life, or experience is ever lost or wasted, but always increases the infinite wisdom available to all who choose to benefit from the contents of this wondrous storehouse of divinely inspired knowledge that has always existed, and which is also growing exponentially in every moment.

The more you allow yourself to awaken into awareness of God’s divine all-encompassing and loving plan for His creation, the more your joy and amazement at its complexity, inclusiveness, and divine brilliance will fill your heart. And the joy in your heart will be felt and will delight all with whom you come in contact in any manner at all.

By allowing yourself to awaken you bring light to every situation, every experience, and provide an impulse, an imperative for all in your circle, your environment to awaken also. The effect an awakened or awakening one has on the environment in which she is experiencing existence is quite phenomenal and of inestimable value.

God created each of you perfect, like Himself, and so you are and always will be; and as you awaken this becomes more and more apparent, self-evident.

Yes, you can fall back to sleep. And to do so is very painful after you have awakened. But if you do, it cannot and will not last. The nightmare you appear to be experiencing so intensely will fade as you finally awaken permanently into the joy and delight of God’s Divine Presence where you are now, always, eternally, because that is your divine destiny. You are absolutely perfect and your joy is infinite and contagious. Choose to experience it. Release your doubts, your fears, your anxieties, and any other dreams or nightmares that present you with a terrifying impression of a non-existent hell!.

Awaken into the sparkling reality of your oneness with God, your Father and Divine Creator – who wants and intends that you exist only in perfect joy – and enjoy that experience now, which is the only moment, the eternal everlasting moment, All That Is.

with so very much love, Saul.
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