Eternal Godliness

philip sedgwick

In the past few days Mercury resumed direct motion (thanks to all who wrote to report I had that bassackwards in the last Galactic Times), Neptune and Chiron stationed retreating into retrograde and soon - June 15th - Jupiter commences a back track over previously taken steps. Given that communication matters resume a sense of normalcy and those misunderstood quotes, comments and suggestions clear, the opportunistic Jupiter encourages a review of all the visions, dreams and inspirations Neptune seeks to invoke.

A simple review of all those projects fired up late last year and early this year goes a long way to ensure that this year, nearly half complete and notwithstanding the economic crisis, actually amounts to something. Of course, with Venus lingering in the last few degrees of Aries, the urge to push to cash out an idea contradicts the need to review and reflect. What if a few simple reflective steps assure a more potent outcome a little further down the road? Would that work?

Sure it’s a mixed bag. Some ideas need a nudge to see if the last little snag might clear and afford some short term progress. However, those really big passion projects that represent a major outpouring of one’s soul undoubtedly benefit from the review protocol. A review is not to be confused with changing courses or altering agendas midstream, with or without a horse. It’s a matter of including all the current feedback and recent inspirations occurring after the commencement of presenting an idea that have not been effectively added and making sure you still burn to do this inspiration thing. Nor is this to be confused with the ongoing addendum syndrome. You know, when a software person for instance, keeps coming up with one more thing to add on that prevents the software from a timely release and annoys Saturn well beyond his sensibilities.

The Jupiter-Neptune retrogradation suggests that you take a break from creating new projects and review projects started in the past several months - within say the last nine months. Certainly this does not suggest a prohibition on new concepts. If a great idea comes along your way and you develop and seed it, that’s fabulous. It’s just that with Mars now in Taurus and Venus on his heels coming up to an opposition on the manifestation magic of the intersection of the Galactic and Super-Galactic Centers (Z/ZS), which occurs on the eve of the Solstice, completion and fullness of accomplishment feed the soul. A sense of incompleteness or the inability to close any deal or call any project satisfactorily completed damages the perceptions of planets in Taurus. This fine earth sign, where Sedna also travels, loves to see tangible results. Add Sedna’s prioritization of basic life necessities, providence, enduring talent and creativity that find a way to support necessities and providence, and you have a result-rich consciousness.

True, when one reviews, reflects, redesigns and retrofits, immediate results do not occur. However, important inspirations that receive a make over such that they do manifest in their fullest and most potent forms appease completion sensibilities and establish confidence in one’s ability to endure, persevere and complete. Starting off on a series of tangential distractions that seem like a good patch and do not get done because the interest wave wanes quickly, works against a personal sense of accomplishment. The Taurus trend prevailing as this reflection cycle begins suggests understanding the big picture, going long in planning. The trend maintains no tolerance for false starts, wayward efforts and a lack of emotional commitment - the kind one feels in the bones - for real world efforts and activities.

Perhaps a few guidelines can assist any deal making, production planning, job taking scenarios in the short term

Accept no deal not worth it, despite the economy. If you cannot energetically and enthusiastically invest in an assigned task, verify you are not operating at a realm lower than your minimum standards of fair compensation. To stay productive and inspired, resentment cannot encroach on the creative spirt. Resentment commonly occurs with under compensation - a direct link to personally feeling undervalued on the talent and personal attribute level.

Given the collective poverty consciousness in the material world, there’s no sense in inflaming poverty consciousness of the psyche. Use the high road mantra of Taurus that realizes that personal abilities, skill sets and talents never deplete unless ignored or unapplied. Thus, one constantly possesses inner resources which can produce outer resources.

Believe that by the time the last Jupiter-Neptune alignment forms in early December the collective fears of economic woe will have evaporated and been replaced by refreshing showers of enthusiasm, creativity and innovation.

Clear your life of as many petty, annoying distractions as you can. Apply for the passport in plenty of time. Remember to check that funky noise under the car. Fill out the necessary paperwork for green-life style tax credits. Once clear, address minor distractions as quickly as possible - at least on a daily basis.

Figure out your most creative, inspired time of the day. Savor this time. Protect it. Allow no encroachments on the window in which your system reaches innovation overdrive. Use it. Use it each and every day; this way you appease the discipline god, Saturn, who loves to color in the bits of progress on life’s task completion charts.

The alignment of Venus and Mars in Taurus on the 20th is worth noting. It would be as if there’s a free turn for incantation, proclamation, declaration, affirmation and the like. To utilize this alchemically rich influence, speak only in positive, inclusive terms. Avoid double negatives, betting against oneself and hedging bets. Once done with invocation, celebrate. It’s time to be included in the celestial celebration of these bodies and to invoke the solstice with full gusto. Gusto it is.

Should you be in need of some consultation support, go for it. If you need a session and need to make a payment arrangement, please e-mail.

For those who might need a nudge on purchasing the Galactic Trilogy CD, I have one. While packing for the recent Norwac conference, I found two audio lecture series. One is two talks on Eris on a single CD with relevant charts; the other a workshop entitled Navigating the Underworld. The first two orders for the Galactic Trilogy receive one of these free. First come, first pick.

Of course, personal and relationship reports and other goodies are available in my website’s store. Links below.

And there’s an updated blog on the Matrix site. This one addresses a hatchet job essay on Sedna that seems to be web-circulating more widely than it deserves.

More next week...
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