Eternal Godliness

By Shala Mata
June 2009

Are you feeling like you need to catch your breath? May was a pressure cooker in many ways with an energy build that pushed our buttons and forced us to look at the “truth” of ourselves. At times we felt like we were, spinning our wheels and nothing was happening – yet we were doing everything “right” so too speak.

May gave us an opportunity to check-in with our “internal optimist” and further clarify any lingering fears hanging in the shadows. Once again, we were presented with a grand opportunity to move forward with a new foundation, providing we weren’t sabotaging ourselves with old patterns. If you had to re-examine some old stuff it is a great jumping off point for June!

During the month of May, I had the wonderful opportunity to teach workshops in London and Belgium. It was such a pleasure to put faces to names, meet and connect with soul-family. No matter where we are on our beloved planet – we are connected and experiencing similar personal journeys. A deep heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that participated and welcomed me with such loving pure hearts.

May felt like a roller-coaster ride and June will be soaring high and surfing big. June will feel like things open up and break free – on the proviso that we are communicating our deepest truth in our intentions and interactions with others.

Communication is at the heart of all our relationships – the first and most important one with ourselves. Fear permeates much of our communication and creates illusions with our own inner dialogue. How we communicate with ourselves is the starting point of how we communication with ALL others.

Is there a real and deep truth to your inner dialogue with and about your true feelings and desires? Do the words you speak and share with yourself and others match the energy behind the words? How many times have you seen a seemingly innocent comment from one person create a fiery reaction in another? The words weren’t necessarily at play – but the energy sent behind those words was.

Transparency in our communication is matching the energy with our words. We are at the point of our spiritual evolution that true impeccability with our communication is not only essential but also a pivotal part of our mastery. This type of communication is demanding and requires a complete overhaul of our old ways and patterns. The first five months of 2009 have been the energy foundation for this.

Every relationship will require a grounding of truthful transparent communication, in order for higher frequency and vibration to have a point of entry. Gone are the days of energy games and hiding behind empty truth.

We don’t often think about this aspect of communication, yet it is only from a truthful, transparent communication with ourselves that we can take the action needed to heal existing relationships and create new ones. When we can communicate truthfully with ourselves on ALL levels, we can see and sense communication being shared by others. We will know without question when words say one thing and the energy another. Decisions and agreements will be much easier to navigate with others.

The energy of June will open up many layers of communication that may have been burdened with old patterns. Naturally, this can be challenging as we face some sobering parts of ourselves – yet this is a bridge to higher dimensional communication.

Beyond the 3rd dimension, communication is telepathic, truthful and heart centered. We are being given tools to take the necessary steps to expand this aspect of ourselves. Each of us exist in all dimensions in every moment, and our higher dimensional selves require truthful transparent communication here and now in order for us to access more of the wisdom we each have.

The aspect of linear time here in the 3rd dimension has been a profound learning ground in honing our communication. The lag time between the thought and the manifestation was long enough that we could learn the skills to be conscious and aware of what we are creating. The next step is now in the transparency of our communication and manifestation.

Every cell in our body receives and interprets our thoughts, and the energy behind the words. Many of us have been schooled in the use of affirmations, which are a wonderful way to begin changing negative patterns. For affirmations to be an effective tool now – the words must match your inner truth and energy.

June will stir up many uncertainties in some and kick-start lots of opportunities in others. If you are feeling like you are slogging through mud uphill – then June will give you the energy and insight into what the truth of that slogging might be. It is vital that we not be in judgment but in gratitude for the opportunity to find solution.

The energy waves of June will be filled with action energy – for some this will be a welcome relief, for others it can feel overwhelming. While this in itself is a polarity, the truth is that each of us carries a different level of emotional maturity and well-being. For some this energy will be a sobering look at old behaviors and communication patterns.

Relationships bogged down in old patters will change, evolve, or possibly end. Nothing new there – that has been happening for months.

New opportunities will be available to all willing to release fear and communicate from the heart. This is a work in progress and will continue for the balance of 2009. We are continuing to re-calibrate the deepest parts of ourselves, thereby changing our perception and truth. We are taking bigger and bigger steps in our vibrational mastery – it is an exciting yet daunting timing.

Physically, the coming weeks can be challenging. Our nervous systems will feel amped up in this energy. Most of us have an over energized system to begin with and this added energy can cause feelings of anxiety, fatigue, headaches, body pain, depression, sleep irregularities to name just a few symptoms. Everyone is different and tuning in to your body is always best, however making sure you are getting enough minerals, digesting your food properly, moving the body as you are able and keeping your immune system strong will go along way in helping you feel balanced.


Full Moon – June 7th - this illuminating moon will focus on communication and how this affects all aspects of our lives. This moon will illuminate the beliefs we have woven into our communication patters.

Solstice – June 20th.
In the northern hemisphere this is the summer solstice – in the southern the winter. It is a mid-point transformation and a favorite of many lightworkers and starseeds. Solstice means “stand still of the sun”. The sun rises and sets at the same place on the horizon for three days – appearing to “stand still”. The three-day Solstice window is powerful and always individual. With the other planetary alignments, this Solstice will move us into new energies and directions. Be prepared and open for change.

New Moon – June 22nd . This new moon will be emotionally intense and will fire many hidden gifts and talents. Communication will be at the forefront and require transparency in its highest form.

It is important to remember as we walk the energy of June that we as a collective are in the midst of an unprecedented shift in consciousness about our beloved Mother Earth. Our frequency and vibration is accelerating at light speed, effecting every minute living cell with our body and every living thing upon our planet.

The shifts in energy are palpable for everyone, and most are experiencing levels of stress like never before. Many are leaving the planet now through illness or earth changes. It is important to understand this is all part of our personal and planetary ascension process and we birth into the new.

Enjoy the coming weeks and feel your heart initiate new communication transparency with ease and grace.

Keep Shining your Gorgeous Light,

Love Shala
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    "Fear permeates much of our communication and creates illusions with our own inner dialogue." Yes, that is so very true. Thanks for your beautiful message.