Eternal Godliness

Pleiadian Renegades through Amanda R. Ryan

Dear ones, so much is happening in your lives, it would not be surprising if you didn't take in one or two major developments on the world stage on any given day. You could hardly be blamed for missing out on the day's top story, especially if it happened to be omitted in the headlines. It is enough to deal with what you have to do and hopefully to gain some kind of understanding that will help you come to terms with what in the world is happening. There is, of course, more to come, so let us share a little trick we learned ourselves about the intensity of transformation from one state of being into another. You've heard it from us before, to relax and let go, but there's a secret. Keep your eyes fixed on a single thought, your mind focused on a single sensation, your heart open to all possibilities and you might be delighted with what develops in your reality.

There are a few things you might want to remain aware of, as you go through your days. One of them is your breath. Use it to create healing vibrations, as you shape it with sound. In such a way do you serve the awakening of many souls within reality. See sound as breath and breath as life, and choose to give life to sound that heals. Not only will it create a frequency field that is conducive to transformation into higher awareness, it cuts down on the chaos of noise that distracts people from the whisper of truth within.

Cheer is essential. If you remember to have something handy which brings you cheer, we recommend you use it, whether it's a joke, a memory, a favorite scene from a movie, or what have you. The doom and gloom is as a storm cloud passing by, after eons of raining down pain. It is true that pain is sitting in puddles of mud, but it is relenting, finally. As more and more light is shed on the 2000-year-old lie that has been at the forefront of the wave of pain you now see receding, the puddles will dry up. Nothing long stands in the light of Truth except truth. Relief is coming, and a little comic relief will help you keep your socks dry.

Third on our short list of helpful hints is to be patient in all things. Too often you remove yourself from the equipoise of Now and project your awareness into the non-existent illusion of what-if and if-only. There is great merit in consciously visualizing a future of joy and a past of reconciliation, but these are transitory states of creativity that you enter, do your thing, and release. Keep on doing that, dear ones, as it calms the frequency field around you. What we are referring to here is the practice of patience in the little moments of your day, the challenges to your own equipoise that crop up like mushrooms after rain. There are likely dozens of times you say, from sunrise to sunset, something along the lines of "I wish...", "When will such-and-such finally happen?" or "Why don't you understand?" These are just a few examples of the shape of impatience beginning to dislodge you from reality. Do you see how thoughts of imperfection create ripples of discontent? Be, rather, of the mindset of being content, replacing such thought-form molds with words like "I summon into being...", "Everything is on schedule for such-and-such to happen when the time is right to create the greatest joy," and "You are awakening, and I love you." Do you see how that subtle shift in self-expression gives you peace? Patience, dear ones, the joy that comes is worth the wait. All is well, and your choice to love can move mountains. If that is one rock at a time, sometimes, keep an eye out for buried treasure, and know that everything is, in the timeless Now, perfect.

These are our thoughts we leave with you to ponder. The three weave beautifully together, you may find. It's a balancing act that just might make your days a little brighter.

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1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    ♪ the fact that all things/events are in perfectly divine order is such a simple truth, and yet so many are failing to see or recognize it ☄