Alpha Life Trends:
... Full Moon shines the light onto new information moving into our environment ...
We start this week, June 7th through June 13th, with the Full Moon at 17° Gemini/17° Sagittarius emphasizing the alignment of thoughts and action. Gemini provides the information that Sagittarius connects with on a philosophical level to create our rightful path. This issue is important at the current time because a new pathway is becoming visible. Situations that have been evolving are now beginning to become visible as new and different options emerge.
Mid-day on Monday the focus pinpoints issues dealing with contracts, pacts, treaties and agreements. This negotiation process occurs through Wednesday as many issues and adjustments are being considered, to align our inner and outer perspectives.
Thursday many discussions become activated and animate many important issues that will be brought onto the table for discussion. There are many high-level emotions that will push us into trying to find a stable component to these adjustments that are the focus of discussion. Situations begin to shift as key component issues are discussed.
Saturday Mercury moves out of Taurus and into Gemini, to return to the Gemini energy of change, breakthrough and freedom that was reached at the end of April right before Mercury turned direct. Many situations that were poised to move forward at the end of April have had quite the detour to get to move into a round about way of getting to a new environment. This "long-way around" became the events of Mercury's retrograde all through May. However, once Mercury moves into Gemini again, many of the same situations come to the same point of change, breakthrough and freedom.
Options and opportunities expand and move us into similar places we were before Mercury retrograde, and now we are poised to move our life into yet another direction right before Jupiter turns retrograde. These new options provide an open door to view opportunities that are now possible. Standing on the precipice of change, we make choices and determine our new direction, many of which are pinpointed by the Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron conjunction.
Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron Conjunction
cosmic vocabulary:
ascension update,
energy fields,
energy updates,
full moon,
mass conciousness,
new earth,