by Daniel Jacob
Ever since I began teaching New Paradigm Metaphysics.....I have encountered an expectation, in the minds and hearts of those who listen, that the eventual transformation of the Hyper-Masculine Paradigm would be followed by a pendulum swing BACK to some sort of Matriarchal Dominance. After all, so many of us have been hungering and thirsting for HER....while feeling deeply into the VOID of energy that exists when HER ways are disregarded, and HER style of love is frustrated or denied.
Wouldn't it be natural to think that the collapse or dissolution of "macho-ism" would open up our gates for a rebirth of Feminine Joy and Nurturance? But my friends, this is NOT the natural next step for humanity's Return to Oneness. What comes next is COLLABORATION. What comes next is a Nexus of Power that is sponsored and sustained by a balancing and uniting of both Masculine and Feminine in a single Planetary ONESELF.........a well-deserved CALM that is the natural fruit of a laying aside of DOMINANCE, in favor of something entirely new and satisfying.
Once upon a time, Earth Females discovered the POWER and SECURITY that could be gained by "fragging out" their inner masculine to Earthly Males, who would care for them and protect them as they went about the task of FEELING FEELINGS, suckling the young, and keeping the hearth fires warm. Then there came a time when each maid, mother, and crone began to view themselves in a different way, an expanded way. Rather than living out their lives as PART-ners, forever subjugated to the Life Mission of External Males--- they opted to explore what it's like being WHOLEners---integrated ONESELF Beings---both masculine and feminine in one.
This change of which I speak (not shared by all gender females, but certainly by some)..... represents imminent EVOLUTION, a shift in relationship between "Mother Earth and Father Sky." In it's place will stand a UNIFIED PLANETARY ONESELF---Androgynous at heart, but manifest in every size, shape, inclination and form that we might desire. FREE of bias, tradition, or obligation. Open of mind and heart. Ready to discover both THE NATURE OF TRUTH and THE TRUTH OF NATURE, which is written plainly on each heart---regardless of gender, age, or life circumstance. See her there, as she brushes aside branches, sprigs and thorns---calls forth her wings and takes to the sky. Goddess Ascending---boundless and eternal. Selah!
more at : http://www.reconnections.net/index2.htm
cosmic vocabulary:
energy fields,
new earth,