We have the opportunity to open up our awareness to the Earth and Sky, the four winds and the four directions that move us into the center, the elements and the trees, plants, birds, reptiles and animals, insects and bids. Each is a powerful being that holds codes and shows us the way to access our hidden qualities as we open more to the oneness of all life. Spend some time today with an animal, tree, rock, the earth, bird and let them show you something hidden in you that is a strength you have. Allow them to take you beyond the veil and into the light matrix of all life and light, where they know the door and can assist you to move through with peace and openness in your heart.
It is only through co-operation with the Natural Kingdoms that we can bring balance back to the Earth, and our environment that supports our life, well being and abundance. The fact that so many animals, birds, trees, fish, insects are becoming extinct is not something to be sad about though, they are changing form just as we are and moving into higher dimensions, non-physical. It does not mean they are dead, nothing dies it simply changes form and while this exchange is happening we are also gaining new life as the changes occur and our DNA awakens to our Light just as the Natural Kingdom does, we are all one.
Be aware also of the Elementals in your area and if they feel distressed in any way from human intervention, if so ask them what they need to bring balance and peace back into their world and ours. Trust what they say and allow. You can work with them to assist the Earth and animals, plants, waterways, oceans, air and soil to be replenished and re-vitalised, purified and transformed.
For example I personally speak to the Devas of the animals and plants where I live as to what I can do to help clear and transmute the area of the chemicals and poisons that are constantly being sprayed in the agricultural and horticultural area I live in.
You can talk to the Devas of the Crystals to help with your unification and awakening, in my book Crystals Gateways of Light and Unity each Deva or Guardian of the Crystals speaks of its qualaties and activations to assist. The essences I have made are by communicating to the flowers, leaves, gems, crystals and stars. The Devas wish to share with you in the beauty of the nature and all its gifts, in all dimensions. Be open to their presence for a rewarding, wonderful journey into wholeness, and being the co-creator you are with all beings.
The plants in our gardens and environment also want to communicate with you as they receive the Ra Light direct and the new light codes, we can learn a lot from them. If you wish to be open to them and the light they are sharing as we become aware of the grids and networks of light that flow through us, nature and all creation.
Just before and at the Solstice the energies are anchoring more fully with the Golden Solar Disc and also the Inner Earth doorway and the Sphinx connection which is reawakening now as we come to the opposite side of the cycle. At the age of Leo with the Sphinx and the energy of our ancestors the Cat Tribe from Sirius is remembered and completed as we now move into the Aquarian energies opposite.
There were many Sphinxes built at the time of the one at Giza, and part of the star map that aligns the energies as the Celestial Sun makes a new turn of the Solar Clock and things change in their frequency and energy. The Sphinxes are all connecting and hold keys for the transition period we are now entering. On the New Moon in Virgo 31st August 2008 the Sphinxes were connected through an ancient grid network that the Cat People left on Earth. This is not the Solar or Light Grids but a sacred geometric matrix of Light that sustains life and allows the abundance of the Light to illuminate all life, in abundance of life giving energy.
The Sphinxes are holding the Light and Solar RA Light codes that are sustaining life and the transition to the higher frequency octaves of Light within our human physical bodies”. Put here to return order and unity to the lower worlds. Energy for the Earth that was grounded through the Sphinx at the time of Leo is coming back out of the Earth now through the Sphinxes worldwide.
On this day take yourself to a sacred place and connect into the Sphinx. You may want to do the meditation from the page on Sphinxes, and be with the one in Giza. Or you may know of one at a location near you, or connect with it on the inner planes. Be open to what is occurring with the cyclic shift as you go deeper into the peace within and allow yourself to be the beam holding the energies within you. As we make this great leap now into the higher dimensional worlds of our ancestors and higher dimensional aspects in oneness.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 7 (connection with source, mystical attunement, sacred) YELLOW (South - ripens, allows) OWL - CIB (Cosmic consciousness, divine communication, inner voice, grace, trust) in the 9 (completion, fulfillment, expansion) UINAL (20 days) of Forward Movement ruled by the God of Light. quetzalcoatl 9
cosmic vocabulary:
energy updates,
mass conciousness,
new earth,
universal law,
world peace