Eternal Godliness

Tara is a Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu Goddess. In the Buddhist tradition, Tara is the female embodiment of the Buddah. She is a "bohisattva" (an enlightened being who has been chosen to forsake Nirvana in order to assist with the enlightenment of all sentient beings). Tara is also a Tantric Deity, the embodiment of the divine feminine. Her name means Saviouress and star. She is a guide and protector for all who call her.

Om Tara Tuttare Ture Svaha

Tara manifests in many colors and forms as she comes to meet the individual needs of those who call to her. The most popular manifestation is Green Tara. She is a Tara of protection, guidance and healing. Green Tara is usually a young woman, friendly, joyful, and attractive. Her face is peaceful, her eyes compassionate and wise. Her color green symbolizes action; as does her leg stepping forward, showing us Tara is ready to jump up quickly and come to the aid of those who call her. She wears the Lotus flowers (from bud into full-bloom), symbolizing her vow to bring spirtitual unfoldment and Buddahood for all. She is often seated on a lotus to show her attainment for Enlightenment. The lotus is a symbol of the transformation of our earthly condition. For, out of the muddy waters of our life, we may also bloom into a beautiful lotus.

White Tara is another manifestation of Tara. In the Buddhist tradition, it is believed she was born from a tear of compassion from Avalokiteswora, the Boddhisattva of Divine Compassion. She is Tara of longevity, health, strength, mystical powers, and compassion. The color white indicates her purity and divine truth. She wears the adornments of Bodhisattva; jewels, lotus blossoms, and often a crown. She is usually a mature woman, full-breasted and wise. White Tara is often depicted with seven eyes; two eyes on her palms, two on the soles of her feet, and three on her face (one at her third eye). She is awake and enlightened. White Tara is usually seated in full lotus posture. Her compassion is wise, deep, and infinite.

Red Tara is invoked to slay fears; she is swift and heroic. She has a red body and radiates a fiery light. She has one face, two eyes and eight arms. Two of her arms are in a mudra of great joy, joining a bell (representing the female principle) and vajra (representing the male principle) on the crown of her head; the next pair hold a bow and arrow at her heart, in one of her arms she holds a wheel, and another thrusts a wisdom-sword, the final pair of arms carry a conch and a noose. Red Tara is a heroine; she destroys wrong thoughts and actions, while harming none in the process. There are also other colors and manifestations of Tara (Yellow for Wealth, Blue to free us from all obstacles, etc.) to accomodate all of her devotees calls, and to bring all sentient beings into Enlightenment.

Compassion is like
sunlight, awakening and
bringing joy to beings.
It's beauty is
like a rainbow,
lifting the hearts
of all who see it.

Tarthang Tulku
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