DL Zeta
Today and over the next five days, there is a unique opportunity to join with other souls to anchor greater light to the earth plane and make it available for all of humanity. As the Gemini full moon approaches, many souls are joining together in the that will help disseminate the transformative energies coalesced during the powerful Wesak full moon in early May.
Preparing your Consciousness
Over the next two days, you can prepare yourself to anchor these energies and make them bioavailable to all who seek to access them. To prepare your consciousness, affirm you are releasing all negativity. Affirm all that has ever happened and all that will ever happen radiates love and spiritual perfection. When you have stepped free of any densities and judgments that bind you to the physical plane, further detach by moving beyond any limiting identities you may hold. See yourself as an infinite and expanded being that carries the codes for uniting Heaven and Earth. See your body filling with light as you become a vessel for the energies of love flooding the Earth plane. Join in consciousness with all people of goodwill on the planet.
Reprogramming Your DNA
On Sunday, during the Festival of Goodwill, enter a time of complete inner peace and silence. Reach up to contact the energies and allow them to flow into your consciousness. Open to the dreams, visions and peak states these energies offer. Allow these energies to filter into every level of your being. See them entering the cells of your body and reprogramming the codes in your DNA. This new coding brings you into stronger alignment with your higher self and allows you to more easily download healing and spiritual guidance.
The two days following the full moon are a timeframe in which you filter these spiritual energies through your intentions of goodwill and radiate them out to the places where they are able to do the most good.
Stepping into the Next Phase of Your Spiritual Mission
This is a powerful time. You have just experienced the apex of the spiritual year when the Wesak full moon brought an influx of revitalizing and regenerative energies to the Earth plane. This energy was further amplified by the shifts in consciousness now taking place, and facilitated by the potent cosmic conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron. Now you're able to take a step further and serve humanity during this time by opening to receive the energies gathered and focused during Wesak and throughout the month of May, and making them bioavailable to all on the Earth plane who wish to access them. As you anchor and distribute these energies, you're able to step into the next phase of your spiritual mission. As you radiate these energies for the highest good of all, the identities you currently hold are transformed, expanded, and filled with light.
Identity Shifts and Designing Your Realities
In coming days and weeks, you will see yourself in a new way. As you go through your days, you will observe changes in your vision and preferences. These are signposts of the changes taking place within you. These changes you observe in yourself reflect the energy shifts on the Earth plane and the New Time that is now being seeded. You are now able to come into resonance with your future self, which is able to guide you through this time of transition on planet Earth. You will be able to open to the message of your sacred wound and learn its wisdom. This will allow you to step off the karmic wheel and begin designing your realities in the shape of your deepest dreams.
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org
cosmic vocabulary:
ascension update,
energy fields,
energy updates,
full moon,
mass conciousness,