Eternal Godliness

From Steve:

One point I have noticed is that people have many different reactions to the word family.

I was blessed to have an incredible supportive biological family but many have quite a different history. In this channel the group takes a look at family and what they say is ahead as we humans evolve. They said we will form Families of Light. They also said this may be one areas experiencing stretches during this time. Family issues may come up. I can hear you holding your breath. . . Relax, this too shall pass.

To keep it all in perspective they said that family was a contract with a group of souls to lock yourselves in a room until you grew up and that they had a tendency to see who you had been instead of who you care becoming.

For some time now the group has been speaking of the potential of what they described as a mini ice age. A general cooling of the planet is ahead to some degree but they always said we had control of these events and more. For the first time in this channel they said that there is now evidence that may signal this is shifting. This particular issue will have to do with what happens during coming Solar Maximus (solar flare cycle) that hopefully will begin soon.

Big hugs


Steve Rother

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Yes, I know that reality is slightly changed this time around. I am noticing slight differences in events, as well, at present. I am, in fact, one of those super-sensitives whose biological family assisted in keeping me in a very tightly-knit and closed up “vicim” mindset well into early adulthood. It has been 15 years now of my blooming or continuing to evolve into a mature, creative and joyous professional in the educational realm. Thanks for communicating and sharing your ideas. Namaste.