A unique blend of energies is now bringing a three-phased introduction to new levels of psychic perception that will culminate with the Summer Solstice in June.
This three-step process began with last week’s conjoined energies of the Wesak full moon and Mercury’s retrograde. These energies simultaneously offered new visions while breaking down old systems and ways of being. The final step builds upon these energies as the powerful summer solstice 2009 opens new doorways to direct psychic perception. The solstice energies are already reaching back to merge with Wesak/Mercury energies. This unique merger plots the path for reviewing and revising life decisions, stepping free of old ways of being, and opening to new levels of visionary awareness.
Beginning now and proceeding through June, many who have been moving along their spiritual path, asking for breakthroughs to new levels, will find windows opening for more direct communion with their higher self. This will open the door to experiencing expanded states of consciousness, receiving steps for the development of new forms of art and other creations, glimpsing future timeframes and opening telepathic communication with other realms.
The ‘Shelf Life’ of Habits and Rituals
Prepare for these opportunities by expressing your willingness to ride the waves of the changes they will bring. These energies are designed to help you break with routines that no longer serve you. This allows old ways of being to fall away. While rituals can be helpful in that they help anchor new intentions and ways of being, they eventually serve their purpose and run their course. Their usefulness, in other words, has a shelf life. The shelf life of habitual patterns is becoming increasingly short.
Reality Shifts and the Break Down of the Habitual Dream
In coming weeks, you will find the powerful blend of energies interrupting the habitual dream of the present moment. Break-downs will come in the form of jarring stops and starts. You may observe “reality shifts” where you notice things somehow out of place or happening in dream-world formats where linear sequencing no longer applies. This includes things not being where you left them; bleedthroughs with other realities that leave you feeling out of place or out of synch; words speaking to you from between lines of text; or moments where it seems you have stepped behind the scenes of your life movie and are viewing the “seams” between the fabric of reality itself.
You will also see during this time old ways of communicating breaking down. Old methods of receiving spiritual guidance will become less effective as you are asked to move into new and more direct ways of communicating with your higher self. Lucid dreams or altered states may become more frequent. Many who have worked with dreams, tarot cards and other forms of divination will begin spontaneously channeling, either in the form of automatic writing or verbally channeling. During this time, you may experience challenges with blockages in your throat chakra. These challenges are cleared as new forms of communicating are embraced.
Channeling in the New Time
In the new times ahead, what you think of today as "channeling" will become commonplace as a greater number of beings develop telepathic flow with their higher self. Already, in your world there is a greater acceptance and respect for information beyond conscious knowing. As chaos reigns with the unraveling of old ways, the true value of “off-world” information will be widely understood. Many are now awakening to their natural abilities as channels to assist with the transition into the New Time.
Opening to Channel
Begin now to work daily with this other form of knowing. There are different ways to do this. One variation is creating a list of questions for your guides and higher self, then entering a relaxed and receptive state to allow the answers to flow into your consciousness. Practice writing or verbally channeling the answers into a tape recorder, then begin working with the information you receive.
Over time, this information will show you how to become the version of yourself who is experiencing the kinder, gentler framework of the New Time on Planet Earth. Beyond this, you will bring through information for all of humanity.
In the beginning, however, this information will focus on clearing any remaining programming you may hold around the value of information that comes from beyond the realm of your conscious mind. This will help burn through any remaining ego barriers. By this, we mean that you will be able to see through any illusions that your ego is controlling and originating your existence. From this place of clear-seeing, you will understand your ego's rightful role is as foot soldier and collaborator with your higher self. This understanding allows you to step more fully into your unfolding purpose of experiencing new levels of joy and love on Planet Earth.
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org
cosmic vocabulary:
ascension update,
energy updates,
mass conciousness,
new earth,