Your dimensional higher aspects are wishing to make clearer contact with you, and for you to start remembering your soul journey and star lineages. Tonight or today and for the next ten days or nights until June 1st each night connect to Source in Divine Will, divine love and oneness and be open to receiving the light codes of you divinity and higher vibrational aspects, as you go each night or day on a Soul Travel to the Blue Star and then write down what has occurred when you get a chance. State your alignment to Source and openness to receive the light codes so you can fully heal on all levels of your being, and remember your gifts now to be used with wisdom in divine will for the upliftment of yourself and in loving service there by to all creation and the world you inhabit.
In February 1997 as Hale-Bopp Comet came shooting past us with an unidentified object hidden on its other side not visible to us on Earth. It was called the Blue Star and I travelled on the inner planes to it and connected with Beings from my Home Star, and all Beings from all Home Stars to do with Earth. They were and still are in direct contact and may appear materially at times also for transmissions. I had been working with DNA activations since about 1994 and was given the colour codes of DNA and RNA activating into our Christ Light Body and was told I would be given new teachings from the Blue Star. Even travelling to the Blue Star was in a different frequency, before that time I had travelled with astral travel now it was in a Plasma Beam. I was told we will be able to teleport faster than we think. Light probes illuminated my body, reconstructing my DNA and RNA, plasmic codings, and the ability to use plasma as I was given symbols of codings. The next day travelling to the Blue Star again like a drop of plasma, I went into the Light plasma of the Blue Star, with walls of Gold with codings that were absorbed. Like the ones at the temple of Light at Ollantaytambo, sacred valley of the Incas, working with and preparing for the time we are there physically as well, multi-dimensional.
In February 2008 contact came in again clearly as the energies of the Blue Star were to be anchored on Earth. I was told: “We speak to you again from the Blue Star your home in the stars as the collective unified essence of your dimensional selves on Earth. We have returned now at this time to ground and anchor the light codes for full light body awakening and integration. This is happening now as the 11th Gate opened on the 9th of February as it did just after the solar eclipse, rather sooner than many may have thought it would. But this is so the heightened energies can be assimilated by humanity and utilized in time for the final point of no return, when your Galaxy folds in on itself. Just like the in and out breath, as they become one in a moment and all merges and simply is….in the stillness. In that moment of no breath all is created and the New Earth is formed from the higher dimensional worlds where it has been holding until the right alignment of energies in your time space understanding were in harmony for this to happen at the Equinox and Easter Full Moon and solar wave (20/21st March 2008) the energies will be dispersed to the fourwinds and the holders of the beam who are sacred guardians of the New Earth will be in place for this to happen. Where ever you and others are on the Earth is the perfect place for this to take part and for the alignment to be. The Eleventh Gate opening was way before those who think they are running the show had even a chance to stop it from happening. The Blue Star has returned now at this time for all who have been here on Earth and been assisting with the shifts in cycle and are here to complete”.
The Blue Star has returned now at this time to ground and anchor the light codes for full light body awakening and integration, On 14th April 2008 the Blue Star anchored energies that activate a huge wake up, and this Light, once the codes have been activated within us will reach out through the grid point here and around and through the Earth and the new Matrix of Light and through to the Inner Earth Sun.
That requires this Light and warmth to illuminate more fully, and continue to hold the balance through the grids and tectonic plates, and volcano valve outlets on Earth while the shift occurs.
The energies of the Blue Star have been awaiting this time, as the beings who inhabit the Blue Star are from our future, and are ourselves in higher dimensional aspects. Returned to our past to bring in harmony balance and most importantly the codes and Light required to repair the imbalances that were created in the last cycle. This mission is of vital importance to Earth and her ascension and all on her.
The Blue Star returning hearalds the time when we become the Light Beings we are and children now come in already of the new root race, holding the codings of Light that create the higher dimensional Earth. The Blue Star shows us our home in our hearts and the stars, one with the Sun, Second Sun, Greater Central Sun, Inner Earth Sun.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 23rd MAY; 9 (completion, fulfillment, expansion) YELLOW (South - ripens, allows) THE ROAD - EB ( quickening, open vessel, abundance, harvest) in the 8 (harmonize, empowerment, integrity, of the one heart) UINAL (20 days) of Harmonizing ruled by the God of Rain. TLALOC
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY JUNE 1st; 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) ALLIGATOR- IMIX ( source of life, birth, nurturing, nourishment, trust) in the 9 (completion, fulfillment, expansion) UINAL (20 days) of Forward Movement ruled by the God of Light. quetzalcoatl
cosmic vocabulary:
energy updates,
mass conciousness,
new earth,
This is a most timely and uplifting article. It reminds me of my life's purpose on Earth. As I continue just being myself I know that I will pass on out of this world happily. Forgive all and just be. Namaste.
you are blessed 2020a.. ;>)