MAY 9th NZ 4.01pm AUST EST 2.01pm GMT 4.01am
This is the second powerful Full Moon, and often called the Buddha Full Moon or Wesak Full Moon. Wesak is the valley below Mount Kalaish in Tibet that is the Crown Chakra of Earth. Every year at this Full Moon the Masters, Holy people, Swamis, Sadhus etc make a pilgrimage to this valley where all the Masters and non physical Divine Beings meet together for the shift in consciousness for humanity and to anchor the higher energies onto the Earth Plane. It is also the time Buddha’s birthday is celebrated.
So in your meditation you may want to travel to the Wesak Valley to join all these other beautiful beings and be open to whatever you feel guided from within to do in regards meditation, anchoring divine light on Earth, personal messages, transmutation of your being and/or humanities as this is an opportunity not to be missed.
The opportunity with the Wesak Full Moon is that we can also surrender more fully to our fears, pain and duality aspects into the divine love of our true essence and the cosmic energies in ease and grace. So you will be supported fully in your desire to be in divine will with an open heart.
A wonderful time to access and love your own duality fears and well as assisting humankind to go beyond all limitations and shine in your true light.
Also a time when you can more easily review contracts you have made to grow and unify and to do your mission on Earth. You can see the bigger picture and your soul story and connectiveness with all experiences and your life/s holograms and what is really taking place with the cycles and the shift as we move through the Galactic Centre. The divine beings in Mt Kaliash wish to commune with you and assist in realisations within and awakenings of your vital force. They work with you in your sleep but now is a time to become conscoius of them and the work you do in the higher dimensional realms.
The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, and when the Sun and the Moon are opposite.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 8 (harmonize, empowerment, integrity, of the one heart) WHITE (North - refines, detached) FLINT - ETZNAB (timelessness, mirrors, polarities, inner strength) in the 7 (connection with source, mystical attunement, sacred) UINAL (20 days) of Revelation ruled by the God of Maize. CINTEOTL
"Healing our Shadow"
May 2009
by Meg Benedicte
We've often heard from the sages of the past that the true path to enlightenment requires the total acceptance of the shadow self. This process of soul integration includes all aspects of our being - both positive and negative aspects. In order to become whole, healthy, complete beings we need to face our shadow and compassionately accept and heal these lost fragments of consciousness.
We can take advantage of the full moon in Scorpio coming on May 8th to optimize the rhythms of nature in order to confront and transform deeply engrained shadow consciousness.
This requires digging deep within, observing and confronting our wounded human self, the part of our being that has suffered throughout time, and offer solace, gentle care and release from the painful shadow stored in our cellular memory. It is not an easy or comfortable process but it is vital that we connect to ALL energy present within our unified fields so that we can piece ourselves back together again.
And yet the capacity of the human ego's resistance to self-reflection, analysis and forgiveness is astonishing, but very real! We would rather distract ourselves with just about anything before we will admit we even have a shadow self!
But the truth is that we all travel the same journey towards becoming a Divine Human; the spiritual embodiment of the Soul. And that journey entails the gradual healing, clearing and releasing of all darkness from our bodies, our auric fields and our consciousness. As long as we exist in a human reality we contain within ourselves a mixture of Light and Dark; we are the living embodiment of duality!
And so first we need to observe and recognize life's lessons as we reflect and analyze our personal patterns and behaviors. The gift of karma is the wisdom it imparts as we allow ourselves to receive the soothing balm of forgiveness and compassion. Wisdom erases all karma! Every aspect of human life has meaning and purpose---we only have to open our minds to reveal it. So as we dig deep into our shadow, we need to look at all the nuances and insecurities we are sensing, feeling and reacting to. We have tapped into the emotionally charged area that is ready for healing and forgiveness!
Every layer of shadow that we probe, uncover, heal and integrate will contribute to the increased raising of our energetic vibration. As we let go of more and more heavy, dense, stuck shadow energy we begin to feel lighter and lighter. We feel lighter thoughts, lighter emotions and also lighter bodies! As we convert our low-vibrational shadow into Light, we enhance our physical health and well-being. Each time we merge more of our hidden consciousness into the Light, we are piecing back together our whole self! We begin to feel less dis-connected and empty inside and more Soul presence and wholeness in our daily, human lives.
There has to be a shift in power, like the passing of the baton, from the ego to the soul so we can evolve into Divine Humans. This can be one of the most harrowing of experiences, often referred to as the "dark night of the soul", when the ego battles to maintain control of the will.
We tend to blame outside forces when we don't get what we want, not realizing that everything is flowing into our lives as a result of our past thoughts, feelings and actions. When we can move into following the wisdom of the soul and feel the presence of our personal power and true essence, then we are able to take full responsibility for what we create in life. It is only when we can switch to seeing through the eyes of the soul that we can see the consequences of our past, egoic decisions, actions and words. We are then able to own and accept the legacy of the less-developed self and begin the process of clearing shadow from our energy field, so that we can move into the purity of the future.
It is this process of internal house-cleaning that frees us from the shackles of the past; the locks and chains holding us frozen in time. By cleaning out the shadow of the egoic self we can break free of the limiting beliefs, patterns and programs that have kept us prisoners in duality. This freeing process allows our true self, the Over-Soul, to fill our bodies with power and self-love. It opens the heart to feel the natural flow of abundance and the exquisite joy present in the quiet moments in life. We can soar to the heights of our visions and feel the bliss of freedom.
If darkness is the absence of Love, then the most effective tonic to use in healing internal shadow is self-love. The more love we flow into our deepest wounds and darkest emotions, the quicker we are able to clear and raise our vibration. This process gradually transforms the bio-energetics from a broken-down human into a powerful, healthy evolved Soul living heaven on earth. This is our destiny and our purpose, and so it is!
I invite you to join me in my upcoming show at the World Puja Network (www.worldpuja.org) on Monday, May 4th , where I will further discuss the healing process of clearing and transforming shadow consciousness. A portion of the show will include Vortex Activations to neutralize negative shadow, to clear genetic codes of consumerism, and establish a Sovereign Soul Hologram of Love! The show is offered FREE of charge and will be archived at our website after the "live" broadcast Monday, May 4th. Enjoy!
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Reserved www.soulfulservices.com