Eternal Godliness

The month of May is universally a SEVEN* month, (*in numerology terms).

SEVEN is a number that promotes a deepening of awareness and expansion of intuition. The main issues of the SEVEN is to honor the spiritual connections, the universal focus and the realizations that occur. The major realizations that occur in May will also be part of the Mercury retrograde course correction occuring from May 6th/7th through May 30th. The information that begins to flood our consciousness as Mercury moves into Gemini will then take us into a time needed to review and revise our Taurus related values. Taurus represents wealth, inner and outer, but it also highlights the fertile environment that grows our inner and outer strength.

Mercury retrograding through Taurus gives us the opportunity to pick up the important aspects of ourselves, and value the qualities we have in abundance. Grown through the forest of challenges and strengthened through miles of endurance, Taurus energy is expressed through harmony and strenth. The focus during May provides a snapshot of our true energy that can only be as strong as our inner essence. To value this inner essence is to value the SEVEN. The purpose of May is to shift our attention to see how much of this we have grown. Our wealth can only be as much as we have attained through the expression of this deep awareness.

May 24th through May 30th

This week, May 24th through May 30th, we begin still feeling the intensities of last week's requirements from the no-nonsense earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. This week we begin with the New Moon at 3 degrees Gemini, which is one degree after the point Mercury reached before it turned retrograde. This New Moon becomes the boarding pass for those who passed the specifics of accountability, ethics and reality-oriented checklists.

Those that have moved into the boarding area to move into new directions will walk through the hallway of this week, wearing their Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron connection passes. Others will be brought back to the ticket counters due to lack of accountability, ethics or reality-oriented checklists. Jupiter joins Neptune and Chiron mid-week on May 27th and opens the door for determination of our location along our path. The new pathway that we have pursued now becomes one that contains a transport of circumstances into our future, or a requirement to be re-routed to the ticket counter. Neptune turns retrograde on Thursday, reviewing our spiritual connections and pathway.

Neptune in Aquarius reviews our honesty, integrity of our spiritual connections and philosophy or the refusal to give us the "shell games" thinking the world is a place to hide our intentions, ethics and motives. Saturday, Mercury turns direct in reality-oriented Taurus. What is the reality and what are the issues used in the "shell games"? Mercury provides this information to determine the forward motion into our pathway or the requirement to return to the ticket counter.
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