Eternal Godliness

As a braid of time unravels into smaller and smaller sets of braids, a natural movement occurs in which one strand of time and another will cross planes at such a resonant frequency that a similarity in waveform for the period of time in which the resonance holds is assembled with such perfection that a moment of simultaneity permits their ability to be at the same point in space at the exact same address for the same period in the continuum in a multidimensional matrix which you know a fraction of as time. There is only one address for each at any given time, but the interaction of two (or more) event sets with a similar pairing of intentional samplings sometimes results in a certain amount of entrainment, which usually cannot prolong itself without some effort.

One example of juxtaposition, then, could be possession or haunting – which are really two expressions of the same thing. In such cases, an entity of a certain consciousness on one strand of time is stuck on a snag in the matrix of time, upon which, in your world, space is dependent, while another entity on another strand of time positions himself in the space the we perceive is occupied by the entity a-snagged. As long as the two entities and their accompanying environments are in phase, you as an observer would see reality overlaid on reality, interaction, chaos, followed by integration or separation, as the snagged entity either releases into presence in a direct way, snag-free, or remains caught in time and the other entity continues along. Any one of the situations you find yourself in may be seen as just such a juxtaposition to another person observing.

It is possible to move beyond snags in time by being aware of your attachment to certain outcomes that could or should have been and using the opportunity the phase harmonic presents to create the outcome you wish to have now that just happens to make all the outcomes of past disappointments null and void in their charge.
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