Eternal Godliness

Book Excerpt - Staying in Alignment by Karen Bishop

AT TIMES IN OUR lives we can feel as though we are butting heads with everyone and everything, or even hitting a wall with certain individuals on a regular basis. Being in a flow with synchronicity and harmony generally feels oh so much better.

When energy moves through us with no resistance, it can feel glorious. This is what passion is made of and why we feel so good when we are passionate about something or someone. Having a sexual interaction feels this way as well, as what we are feeling is simply energy pouring through us…pouring through the open channel of a willing recipient with no hesitation.

Our evolutionary process creates much in the way of moving things around. It seems that one thing is constantly being replaced by another, as we move up the rungs of the expansion and evolutionary ladder. Mismatches abound as our own individual vibrations can seem to change on a dime and we are no longer a match or in alignment with what we had just created only a short time ago.

Where Is Everyone?

At times we may feel we need to move on in a personal relationship with another, as we no longer seem to be a match. This can occur for several reasons. At higher soul levels, we may come to a fork in the road when it is time for our souls to accomplish something that is not in alignment with our current partner or friends. When the vibration of the planet reaches various levels, and when the vibration of individuals reaches certain levels (one in the same), this triggers change and movement. We are then reminded that it is now time to accomplish a specific task or purpose that we had pre-planned before birth. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we will then part. If not consciously aware at a soul level, an individual will then ask its’ personality self to set something up that forces a parting, and going separate ways is then inevitable. There are never accidents here. All is always in order, even though we may feel loss to a great degree.

Another scenario that can occur is when one individual begins moving ahead in vibrational levels and the other chooses not to. In this way, a mis-match occurs vibrationally, as two different levels of vibration cannot exist in the same space. In most cases, there is always room for choice along a pre-destined path. It is similar to a target being chosen long ago, and the way to arrive there is always open to adjustment and variation through choice. But one thing is always certain…we will be matched with individuals who carry a similar vibration to our own, as like energies always unite with like energies. When we find we need to part ways with others in this way, the door is then open for the entrance and arrival of someone who matches us oh so much better.

With all this continual movement going on, how can we then stay in alignment with others in our everyday lives, therefore creating flow, ease, and harmonious interaction?

Oh, There You Are!

Similar energy loves similar energy. This is why it attaches to itself. And being that these vibrations are similar, they match up and understand each other as they are one.

As we progress through this evolutionary and expansion process, these laws that create universal order are ever more pronounced. And in this way, they relate to our relationships to others as well. So then,

The key to staying in alignment with others is to identify the “overlap” or corresponding and similar energy and stay in that as much as possible.

My father loves music. He is a man of many talents and highly creative. But music is his favorite passion. At age 79, he is considering resuming his passion of being a disk jockey and radio host for the Big Band Era of music. He had his own radio program a few years ago and loved it. I am a country music fan. Country music absolutely makes my father’s hair curl. I have to laugh because he even feels that if you combine country and rap music, you would get “crap!”

So I rarely discuss music with him. I may listen to what he has to say in regard to Big Band music, as it doesn’t bother me that much, but I would not venture to talk about country to him. There is no overlap here. There is no common passion or interest. This vast difference creates, then, a collision of energies or one big uncomfortable conversation!

I love country music because of the flow and ease of the melodies. The waves of energy and vibration match my own. Country music is very soothing to me. I rarely listen to the words, as that is not what attracts me. So the match here is in the melody and movement. For another, it might be in the words which might elicit a feeling or emotion. Again, no right or wrong, just an overlap or match in vibration and passion.

My father was also born in China and raised in India as a child of missionaries. We both love foreign countries, so this, then, is a great area of overlap for us. I love to discuss or share stories and feelings regarding this arena as there is much more of a flow of similar energies and passions. In this way, the energies are flowing, we are in alignment, and have similar purpose. Neither of us is either right or wrong, we are just different in some arenas and similar in others.

I had a friend for several years who was a cattle rancher and real estate broker for large parcels of land. He loved country music too. When we would drive along in his truck, or be at his ranch and have country music playing, it felt as if we were both in heaven. What was happening, was that an energetic opening was then created through our willingness, acceptance, and love for the music and we then blended with no resistance. This then, allowed a much greater amount of Source energy to come through us and so…we were in heaven!

When we resist something because it does not resonate with us, we greatly block the flow of energy. And in this way, we are not in alignment with Source. Although the above examples relate mostly to music, this energetic pattern relates to anything and everything.

Have you ever noticed that when you talk to your friends, some subjects light them up and others create a drop in the energy? Each relationship we have with others has an overlap. This overlap has to be there or we would not be connecting or drawn to each other at all. It is not possible to find ourselves in the space of another without a corresponding energy. Identifying what that is, brings great harmony and immediately aligns us with a higher part of ourselves and joins us as one.

At the higher levels, we can be more in alignment by unconditionally loving, understanding, and accepting everything that comes into our space. In this way, we are connecting at the highest levels through a continual state of love. I do not really know anyone who is doing this quite yet, although I know most of us try our best. So until we are at this very highly vibrating place within ourselves, it is easiest to identify our overlap or areas of like energy attracting like energy, and feel loving and accepting energies in this way.

Is That Really Me?

At times during our evolutionary and expansion process, we may make substantial leaps ahead in vibration or frequency, or rather in raising our consciousness or awareness (all the same). Although they may appear to be sudden leaps, it is actually only a matter of an accumulation of higher energy that has congealed and thus reached a certain threshold, which then creates a leap or forward movement. When these leaps occur, we can find ourselves in very new spaces of residency, in regard to vibration or dimensional levels. Being that lower vibrating energy cannot exist alongside higher vibrating energy, a purging is then created. During a purging, much darker or denser energy is then released. These energies will then resume a residency in another dimension or reality which they are a match for. If another reality does not exist for them, then they will break apart and cease to exist themselves, as there would no longer be a need for them.

During these times of purging and release, there is a far greater amount of the darker and denser energies present, as they are moving and readying for a departure. It is at these times that we usually attract the denser and darker aspects in another. The overlap, then, has a much stronger opportunity to relate to an overlap of our shadow sides. When strong waves of light or higher vibrating energy bombard the planet during a particular time, we usually begin attracting the more pleasant or higher vibrating aspects of ourselves and the overlap is then much more enjoyable. But as we are expanding and evolving on a continual basis, the overlaps become more and more of a pleasant experience.

Focusing on what we love in a person can keep us in alignment as well. What we see in another, is always what is present in ourselves. So when we love that someone is passionate, or that someone is so very caring, or even that someone is always wanting to make a difference, we are simply seeing the higher versions of ourselves. In this way, we are then in alignment with who we are, and being in alignment with self is the most powerful way to stay in alignment with Source.

My Family At Last!

In the higher energies of the higher realms, things can only come together if they have similar purpose, and this greatly relates to our soul groups. Pretty much most anyone we connect with or interact with, is someone from our soul group anyway. Our soul groups, or those souls who share a common energy, as they emerged from the same original split of Source energy, are most certainly our brothers and sisters. It is as if we had two parents who had many, many offspring, and we are all basically the same parents who split our energy off into several forms for a more varied opportunity to experience. In this way, we are the parents as well as the children.

Since we reached the critical mass on planet Earth, where enough people were embodying enough light to secure an absolute and guaranteed shift into a higher vibrating reality, our soul groups are now coming together for different purposes. A higher consciousness has been reached and now we begin the building and creating of a New Planet Earth that reflects that change.

Because of this, soul groups will now be coming together in a way that reflects an overlap of similar purpose in regard to creating the New Earth. When we reached this level, we no longer needed to come together for the purpose of bringing the planet to a higher vibration through releasing any lower vibrating energies that we attracted from others, that were within ourselves! All those interested in supporting the new children will unite through similar passions and purpose. All those interested in higher levels of beautiful music will come together. Those who are passionate about animals and living in harmony with them, will come together, and so forth. All aspects that relate to the blueprint of what we have chosen to make the reality of the New Planet Earth, will then come together to create it as a team. We cannot do it on our own! These overlaps will create some very incredible teams indeed.

When we clash with another, many times it is only because their specific purpose is not the same as ours. That person belongs to another team. If we were to focus only on our own team’s purpose, as this is the area of our own expertise, and not try and advise or tell another how they should be acting or what they should be doing, we can be much more in alignment as well. Staying in the space of our team’s purpose, and not assuming we know a lot about another team’s purpose, and instead respecting and regarding their purpose with a thank you and gratitude, is the way to go. If we are ever feeling less than, not valued, or left out of the loop, it is usually because we are trying to be an expert or know all about a passion or purpose that is not ours. We are fine tuning here, remember? Who wants to know it all? It is much too tiresome anyway!

In the more higher realms, things are so purified and sifted through, that each and every soul has a very specific vibration and purpose. This purity is all that is left, as nothing much else could exist there! In this way, the attractions and overlaps are very different in that they are of a much more purified and higher vibrating nature. In the higher realms, we attract to each other then, in areas of service and creativity, as nothing much else exists. This is where we are headed through our spiritual evolutionary process.

In our current reality here on Earth, when we are able to see ourselves in another, we understand. We are then able to feel compassion and unity. But most importantly, when we overlap in similarity, we allow an opening for Source to enter and for a flow to occur. If we can intend to find out what we have in common with all those we encounter, as this is why we have encountered them in the first place through the universal order of attracting energies, we can be much more in alignment with Source than ever before. And most certainly, we are all the same. We are all one. Staying in alignment with others is really the same as staying in alignment with self!

We can stay in alignment with others by identifying and staying in the overlap.

Getting There

Getting Where?

In the higher realms of the New World, we do not encounter anyone unless there is a similarity in vibration. And with our vibrations so greatly purified, the commonalities we share are of a very higher nature. Being that all our needs are always met, most of these encounters and partnerships are about service. Combining service and creativity is what relationships are all about. In this way, a commonality in purpose relating to serving life through creating in a group setting, is the mainstay.

Residents of a higher vibrating world do not have one relationship devoted to one partner. With the absence of much of the dis-connect or ego self, it is known and accepted that we love to spend time with this person because of a particular trait (or commonality manifesting as a shared energy or passion), and that person because of another. We are all then, brothers and sisters who deeply love and appreciate each other as we know that each individual has something unique to share with us. We do not interact because of an emotional need we desire to be fulfilled by another, because at this place of much purification, we are fairly complete and whole within ourselves. We interact, then, for the sheer joy and pleasure of another’s company and for the additional slant that another can add to our own experience.

One commonality we share is our soul group energy. When our energy split off from the creator, or from Source (or God), we then split off from that very first split or separation. These consecutive splits created separate souls that now comprise our soul groups. We have much more in common and are much closer to those souls who share our closest and first split from Source.

Backtracking From the Higher Realms

Our soul groups can be quite large, but as we begin vibrating higher and higher, separations then begin to occur. As purifications increase in regularity, the commonalities or overlaps then become more specific. In the past, or in a 3D reality, there were many more overlaps in energy relating to areas that needed balancing or healing. This phenomenon decreases as we expand through the process of spiritual evolution.

The higher we vibrate, then, the more we will find ourselves connecting to souls who share a similar purpose here on Earth. This process will create the soul teams that will unite to create the New Earth. Because of this phenomenon of higher vibrating energy creating a refining process and a separation of sorts, we can also experience sudden separations from those whom we felt were so very close to us. We simply have differing roles now in regard to purpose. Until we reached critical mass in August of 2005 and then more highly vibrating new energies arrived in July of 2006, the purpose of lightworkers was in raising the consciousness and vibration of the planet. After this was accomplished, resulting in reaching a specific vibrational level, lightworkers would then be ready to begin the process of creating the New World.

New connections would begin to become evident in the fall (season) of 2006, as these new connections would be paramount for the beginning of these new teams of similar purpose. So although separations were experienced, this was only because we were fine tuning and purifying in order to attract and unite with a more condensed version of ourselves…via our soul teams of like purpose.

Beginning With Where We Are Now

How can we align with others while we are in transition from one vibrating reality to another? What are some of the basic themes of energy movement that can assist us in aligning with others no matter what vibrational level we are at?

No matter what “dimension” or reality we are in, identifying the highest vibrating overlap or commonality we have with another, and staying in that space as much as possible, greatly assists us in staying in alignment.

Knowing and understanding the soul purpose, dreams, and desires of another, and then supporting them as much as possible, keeps us in alignment with others as well.

Utilizing and contributing our own particular gift and purpose as a means of support, thus enhances alignment two-fold.

When we attract another into our space, if even a stranger for a few moments, there is always a commonality or overlap. Identifying and talking about this overlap can give us much clarity about a situation, or even more joy or validation about a situation. In this way, there is always a message there for us. Opening to others greatly enhances the knowledge that we are never alone.
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