Eternal Godliness

Sanity is not always part of the experience of living as an embodied human. From time to time, insanity breaks out, and you find your world is in a state of chaos. This, it is understood, is called war. War is nothing new to Earth, nor is it unique to Earth. War has been raging in the stars as long as the stars have shone and that is true not only of your home galaxy but of many.

Before the experience of peace can be enjoyed, the experience of war must, in some way, be endured. The place of peace is not truly experienced until not-peace is known. In knowing war, the experience of peace is perfected. The peace that passes beyond the ability of most humans confronted with war to understand can only be gained through the experience of losing everything to mayhem, on some level. Let’s take a look at the phenomenon of war from a slightly elevated perspective, and perhaps we will be able to keep the focus on love.

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