Eternal Godliness

Article by James Tyberonn -Followed by AAMetatron Channel

Tyb's Journal :

Experiencing the AA Michael Vortex of Banff
Article by James Tyberonn

The vista of Banff National Park's crown jewel , Chateau Lac Louise, is natural perfection itself.

An awestruck first-time visitor to Canada's divinely beautiful Lake Louise once commented that such stunning scenery was proof that God existed. That visitor was me.

First Visit

The year was 1978, the beginning of my spiritual awakening, and my first visit to Banff. In retrospect, perhaps the visit to this amazing natural Cathedral triggered my awakening.

I walked up the cobbled trail from the parking area, staring at the enormous white stone Chateau, shining in the sunlight like polished alabaster. The architectural symmetry and sheer grandeur of the castlesque 'Chateau Lac Louis' is stunningly impressive, but I was totally unprepared for the awesome scene that lay behind it. What glowed before me was a living painting: a vibrant turquoise mountain lake framed by purple and gold cliffs, evergreen forests and a massive crystalline shimmering-white glacier at the far end. Alpine flowers were everywhere. Beautiful sprays of orange, purple, yellow, white and red were in vivid fragrant bouquets along the lakeside, set in manicured gardens on the grounds of the Chateau Lake Louise Hotel in the forefront. It was love at first sight, and that love affair has continued ever since.

That first visit was brief but made a deep impression. Thus began my lifelong love affair with Canada, its people, its balance, its profound tranquility and stunning beauty. I have revisited Lake Louise dozens of times in the past 31 years. In 1978 I recognized it was a living cathedral, and a few years thereafter I had a remarkable epiphany along its devic shoreline that made me keenly aware of the Divine Angelic presence anchored to its energy. My deepest expereince in Banff's 'Archangel Michael Vortex' however, occurred in 1996, when I had a deep epiphany and miraculous encounter with Archangel Michael.

Canadian Park System

I have traveled far and wide and without reservations avow that for this pilgrim Lake Louise, located in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada is the most beautiful place in North America. Bar none. The entire region of the Canadian Rockies is simply majestic. But it is not just the majesty that is felt. It is a fertile cornucopia of life. Banff National Park has 6,641 square kilometers of mountains, forests, rivers and lakes that is the habitat to abundant wildlife. Banff National Park is Canada's first national park, located 80 miles west of Calgary, Alberta. Lake Louise is 35 miles northwest of Banff.

The Canadians have done an incredible job of protecting the pristine nature of this massive jewel and of managing the four national and provincial parks connected to the Rockies in western Alberta and eastern British Columbia. Other nations could learn a thing or two from a review of how the Canadian Park Services operate.

The Park has a superb 4-lane highway that passes through the center glacier scraped valley of the Athabascan Rockies. The incredible ice cut mountains are a blue jagged spine visible on both sides of the roadway passage. The drive is a dreamscape. Every turn brings exquisite beauty. Each mountain projects a unique presence and dignity. The energy field is serene and exhilarating all at once. The turquoise Bow River flows along the side, presenting a summerscape of evergreens, wildflowers and river valley against a towering blue drapery of scraped and sculpted rock face.

Whether it is the land, the grid, the culture, the people or a combination thereof, I find the vibratory rate of Canada very high and extremely balanced. It is tangibly higher than that in the Lower 48 and immediately discernable, both coming in and going out!

Chateau Lake Louise

Chateau Lake Louise sits atop a creviced moraine, created by Victoria Glacier when the last Ice Age ended some 10,000 years ago. The lake is a startling blend of green and blue water, so beautifully iridescent that it appears to be emit a glow, as if lit from underneath. At the far end of the mile long lake soars Mt. Victoria, exquisitely etched in the white blue of the crystalline glacier.

Energy Concentrated Within Geological Walls

Lake Louise is boxed on three sides by high granite walls that enclose the magical area like the cradled hands of God. The rock wall enclosure and resulting energy containment is very, very significant. It is this boxed enclosure of the various inflows of telluric, solar and elemental energies that differentiates Lake Louise. Its cubic and octahedral formations entrap and amplify the energy level. Visibly, it is one of the most beautiful mountain scenes on Earth ... but it has an unseen inner majesty and purpose. Lake Louise is a key triangulated point of one of the most powerful portals on the Planet, a sacred portal that anchors the energy of Archangel Michael.

Energy of Balance and Healing

Its balancing healing powers are immense. It is a sacred place, a healing, balancing energy of great intensity. It is a great, yet subtle, intensity that affects every visitor to the special mountaintop of Lake Louise ... and there are many visitors. Contrary to what one may initially conceive, the energy of Lake Louise is absolutely not mal-effected by the hundreds of daily visitors and hotel guests. In fact, it is enhanced. The visitors are, without exception, moved by the energy and incredible, inspiring beauty. All visitors experience a sense of the profound beauty and awe, and that emotional energy is released onto and contributes to the incredible energy of place at Lake Louise.

Its energy is as powerful as any on the planet, yet its intensity is not overwhelming. Its balance is the plate that serves this experience to the pilgrim and tourist alike in a palatable, gentle manner. Comparable energy levels in less gentle formats are capable of depleting the aura, not so with Lake Louise. Negativity seems nullified within its energies, and the feelings of beauty and love are amplified.

As a result, few of the first time visitors to Lake Louise anticipate the depth of the spiritual experience they are going to have, and few of them leave without being profoundly healed by it. The emotional reaction to the awesome beauty opens and immediately balances the aura. The penetrating, spiritual energy emanating from the lake triggers self-searching and deep cleansing. I have seen robust tourists become so moved by the beauty and healing energy of the lake that tears of joy flood their eyes within minutes. It is particularly healing for visiting couples and families. Few conflicts, fears or anxieties can remain buried in this energy, and their surfacing occurs in the energy of immense but gentle love, leading to a cleansing release. So if you want to heal a family or reconcile a relationship, go to Lake Louise. The issues will bubble to the surface in that cleansing magnetic energy.

Feng Shui of the Chalet

The hotel is a splendid, flowing structure built with natural white limestone in chateau-style symmetrical balance. The lobby and dining areas offer wall-sized picture windows that seem to frame the unbelievable beauty lying beyond them. While the hotel rooms can be quite expensive in peak seasons, the grounds and restaurants are available to all. Having a cup of hot chocolate or tea in one of the overstuffed chairs in the massive lobby with its incredible panoramic views has allowed me great moments of balanced perspective. Of my dozens of visit to Lake Louise, I have only over-nighted there on two or three trips.

I have never left there without a brief pang of melancholy at leaving such beauty and intense clarity. (It was the emotion I used to feel as a young child when we left my Grandma's home at Christmas for the 3-hour drive home - that sad feeling of leaving a precious loved one, knowing it will be a while before I return.)

Angelic Presence

My first awareness of the angelic presence occurred in 1995. I had spent a full day just drifting in the splendor of a sunny July day on the grassy lawn of the chateau. I lay back on the sweet tufted grass and closed my eyes in a moment of total content. I was fully in the moment, reluctant to leave. I closed my eyes in utter bliss and, in that instant, saw a flash of brilliant golden light. Suddenly I was immersed in an overwhelming emotional flow. Tears welled in my eyes, and I felt a wondrous sense of joy and well-being. I saw a clear white-blue light amidst the gold and knew I was seeing an angel. I felt humbled by the enormity and love of the presence. The vision was over in a flash, but the powerful emotions lingered.

I returned the next day and found a beautiful little brook, off the main path to the back of the lake, and sat for an hour of prayer. The magical faerie den by the side of the brook would be the scene of a profound experience I would have with Archangel Michael two years later.

Tyb's Journal: Touched By an Angel

In late June of 1997, I was dealing with the unexpected death of my sister and had come to Lake Louise in part to deal with that loss. I was hiking down the lakeside trail about 150 meters from the Château, looking for a place that would afford me privacy. About half way down the lakeside trail leading to the back of Lake Louise, a small, gentle mountain brook bubbled and bounced down the steep slope into the lake. I followed it up and found the enchanted faerie den, resplendent in bright, lime-green moss and iridescent yellow lichen, plus two striking striated lavender boulders of sandstone and amazing purple quartz - Amethyst!

The brook formed a couple of little crystal pools there, and wildflowers popped up everywhere amid the spongy moss. Rich green grass carpeted a circular open area near a perky little waterfall. I could actually feel the faeries dancing! This magical and picturesque faerie den opening was something out of an artist's dream - an enchanted and beautiful power-spot. My special place on earth! It was far enough off the main lakeside path of Lake Louise to be totally private, yet afford incredible views of the vibrant, turquoise lake. The day was partly cloudy, but the sun would occasionally break through, and enormous shafts of yellow light would angle in bright, glowing beams through the canopy of the spruce forest. Pure magic!

My meditation soon deepened, and a visible beam of light filled the opening and connected on my chest. At first I thought it was one of the angled sunbeams, but then the energy jolted me, and I saw kaleidoscopic colors everywhere. Then I felt the presence of an Angelic Being. I actually saw a formless, yet intense massive golden light over half the length of the lake. From this light, the energy connected to my heart center in an elongated beam. A blue sphere, glowing golden yellow in its inner core, formed a few feet from where I sat, visible with eyes open or closed. I felt a tremendous divinity and was moved deeply to emotional release. I cried uncontrollably for a quarter hour , and in the aftermath of that release, felt a deep and pure serenity.

The blue sphere encompassed me, and geometric forms entered my mind's eye as I fell into a profound meditative vision. I lay down on the soft cushion, of iridescent lime green moss that carpeted the faerie den. My inner narration stopped and I lofted into a state of visual imagery. I felt an Angelic presence and my mindscape became bathed a in glowing white light and that spiritual source led me into the most powerful internal review of my life to that point. I was able to contemplate and pray deeply on each aspect of my life, goals and spiritual purpose. I connected deeply to the angelic energy and understood the anchoring to the lake.

I did not immediately know it was Archangel Michael - that understanding came later - but an angelic 'Light Being' touched me and communed with me in a catharsis of joyful release and inner cleansing that lasted a timeless two hours or so.

I did not physically 'see' an angel, nor did I audibly 'hear' any voices. But I felt light, I saw light, and my heart soared. I saw a massive cloud of golden energy, and in a visible ray, it physically connected a beam to my heart. I knew unmistakably that I was in the arms of an angel, and a sense of deep well being encompassed me.

That day was incredible. When I finally departed, I was emotionally exhausted and spiritually cleansed. I go back to that magic spot at least once a year, as the energy of my experience is still there. So is an anchor imprint of my heart and spirit.

Chakric Area

The entire massif of the Banff Rockies is a chakric expression of Gaia's Divinity. In particular, the water in this area carries a very special vibration. I received a conscious channel specific to the nature of this water, which Archangel Metatron termed 'Crystal Waters.' The glacier powder in the rivers and lakes is finely ground, crystallized quartz that has morphed under tremendous pressure and converted the fluids into a magical, colloidal suspension - a liquid battery, a fluid crystal, if you will. It is quite unique in its resonance to this area and adds a tremendous vibratory frequency to the rivers and lakes. The waters become a sacred living crystal of unmatched light and color.

A sequence of sacred lakes and falls occurs within this area, and each is connected in a living chakric system:

(7) Lake O'Hara - Crown Center
(6) Emerald Lake - Brow Center
(5) Lake Moraine - Throat Center
(4) Lake Louise - Heart Center
(3) Peyto Lake - Emotional Center
(2) Banff Bow River Falls - Creative Center
(1) Athabasca Falls - Root Center

In actuality, all five of the sacred lakes listed above resonate individually with the four upper chakras. Each balance and heal all chakras and emanate exceptionally high crown vibratory rates. In the divine spectrum of the Michael Vortex, the listings above designate the chakras of the body of the integral living earth of the Canadian Rockies. All seven of the chakric points are connected by major ley lines. The two falls mentioned are outside the inner Michael Vortex, yet serve to pull in the energies of Lower Banff and Upper Jasper to the Michael energetic flow.

The Michael Portal

The energy of Archangel Michael began manifesting in the chakric lake region of Banff and Yoho National Parks after the 11:11 gate. The energy is manifested in portals inflowing into Lake Louise, Lake O'Hara and Emerald Lake. All three lakes have sacred mountains associated with their hydro energies that anchor in the portal light. These are Michael Peak at Emerald Lake, Cathedral Mountain at Lake O'Hara and Victoria Mountain at Lake Louise.

Each of the individual portal points has a smaller energetic vortex circulating around the focal light of the portal, but this is encapsulating in nature and not designed as a mechanism of distribution. In a real sense, it is the circular energy that defines the integrity and matrix entry of the light portal. This encapsulation cell is a function of the light grid. The larger electrical vortex I call the Michael Vortex is a function of the electromagnetic grid and serves to distribute the light energy to a much larger area.

The Inner Michael Vortex

The Michael Vortex is the engine that distributes the inflow of divine light that occurs in the three portals. The portals are triangulated to create the stability for the circulating vortex. The apex points for the vortex are Michael Peak, Cathedral Mountain and Victoria Mountain. A massive vortex of counterclockwise energy connects all three points.

Emerald Lake is very similar in color to Lake Louise. It is less developed and therefore much more serene in its countenance. The Yoho Valley contains a smaller vortex encircling Emerald Lake and includes Takakkaw Falls, Twin Falls and Angel Falls. Takakkaw Falls is the second highest waterfall in Canada, with a total cascade length of over 1,200 feet. The energy of the falls adds greatly to the template of energy captured that is imprinted by the light portal. The sacred apex of Michael Peak aligns the side of Emerald Lake and is the namesake of the angelic energy. The peak was actually named after Andrew Michael, a well-known mountaineer involved in the discoveries of the area, but that choice of names is part of the synchronicity of the Michael energies.

Lake O'Hara is the crown center of the Canadian Rockies, the energy being among the most powerful, natural energies I have experienced. Be advised, however, it can be overwhelming in its raw power of amplification. Guard your emotional state and thoughts in this pocket of intense energy. The veil is so thin that it hardly exists here, which requires that you guard your thoughts.

Lake O'Hara is on the opposite side of Victoria Mountain and Glacier from Lake Louise. It is less commercialized than Lake Louise, as it is indeed circled on three sides, so the energy is trapped and concentrated within its high granite and limestone walls. The elevation is higher, the rock walls more reflective and Nature here is raw. Grizzlies abound as do tangible elementals of all types.

Lake O'Hara is the largest of the seven sacred lakes within the O'Hara area and the site of the Lodge. The lake has seven magnificent waterfalls, called the Seven Sisters, cascading into its depth at its southern perimeter. The soft flows of the glacier falls appear as silver ribbons from the lakefront. Lake O'Hara has a fragile flora, so visitation is restricted, with only 120 visitor permits issued daily from late May through mid-October. Fragile and incredibly beautiful tundra lichen and moss paint the alpine valley with bright iridescent colors from burnt orange and scarlet red to canary yellow.

Sufi mystics, Buddhist organizations and Reiki masters have met at Lake O'Hara annually over the past decade, in quiet recognition of the incredible energy here. A different sort of visitor comes here, as compared to Lake Louise and Emerald Lake. The solitude here is defining. The intensity of the energy here can be almost excessive and incredibly revealing. The veil is so thin here that it is very possible to see manifestations of the elemental and the divine.

The Greater Banff Vortex extends beyond the inner perimeter, triangulated between Jasper, Kananastas and Revelstoke. A double triad occurs to create a six-pointed concentric triangle. These areas are full of healing, as balanced and divine energetic points. Sacred mountains abound within, including Three Sisters, Mount Rundle, Castle Mountain, Temple Mountain, Mount Robson, Edith Cavell, Spirit Peak and Mystic Point. (Another separate, yet divine, Earth expression occurs further west in British Colombia, centered in Vancouver Island.)


The Canadian Rockies are magnificent beyond words. The energy that exists within them is aligned with magnificent energies from mineralogical, water, light and electromagnetic aspects. Incredible energy emanates from the mountains with their granite, quartz, metamorphic and sedimentary strata, combined with the stunning array of hydro energy from rivers, streams, waterfalls and glaciers. The lakes are a class unsurpassed in the world, and their accessibility is a tribute to the Canadian government. Thousands of visitors have daily access to this massive region, but it is extremely well managed.

It must be added that the sulfur thermal springs in the village of Banff are incredibly healing, both on a physical and emotional level. These are sacred waters that by their very energy and minerology carry the sacred geometric codes that renew life force and assist in the rediscover of life purpose.

The supreme and benevolent angelic presence of Archangel Michael further enriches the energy of this area as a tool of the Ascension, and the seeker and tourist alike can experience this. The portal of Michael is presented in an amazing Metatronic geometry in three succinct amazing lakes. The Divine Presence has always been discernable here, as known by the indigenous First Nations of Stony and Cree. This magnificent area is truly a living cathedral.

In March of 2009 Banff began another transformation, and is now a key node point of the Cosmic Trigger, the final stage of the heralded Ascension.

The Earth-Keeper Chronicles
Issue # 33 - June 2009

"The latitude of 51 degrees is a planetary geometrical vector that receives the jet stream helix of highly charged antimatter plasma into the physical realm at certain nodes. Stonehenge, Avebury, Banff, Lake Louise, Lake Baikal and Torres del Paine, Patagonia all occur at this latitude. For that reason these areas are extraordinarily charged electro-magnetically, quite multidimensional in nature, yet retain an incredible balance." Archangel Metatron

Parallel Earth, Antimatter & the Michael Vortex of Banff
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Dear Ones ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace each of you in Unconditional Love !

And so we return to speak of the grandeur of the Michael Portal in Banff. In the linear years that the channel first visited this magical area, much has quickened. This area is playing an enormous role in the planetary Ascension, in that termed the Cosmic Trigger.

Now, there are many unique and unrecognized aspects to the areas of Banff and Yoho National Parks in Canada. Because of its gravitational placement, tectonics, electromagnetic balance, mineralogy and latitudinal placement there are dense plasmic fields that allow for a more tangible interface with the antimatter twin of the planet Earth.

As such the Crystalline Waters of the area, the sacred Lakes you know as Lake Louise, Lake Moraine, Emerald Lake, and Lake O'Hara are conscious living entities. But this goes far beyond the 'Spirit of Place' that occurs in nature. Because these waters are colloidal with silicate particulate, suspended crystal, these glacier melt waters have a very unique ionic current , which allows for an antimatter charge to occur therein. Bioplasmic life, an Angelic Field, exists within them. Masters, the field of energy that makes Banff quite unique is to a great extent defined by the antimatter plasma that exist in the area, and this has been exponentially increased by the Cosmic Trigger.

We share with you a great Truth that may confuse some of you, and that is that the interface of the Angelic Realm to the human material realm is the antimatter field, and the antimatter plasmic composition of that field is what you term the 'Parallel Earth'.

Indeed the interfaces from your etheric body via the chakric system are in a sense focal particle accelerators that form open cones into the field of antimatter. This is something that will become known to humans within the next two generations. You often refer to antimatter as dark matter. In truth and irony, that you term dark matter actually carries greater light and holds higher frequency than physical matter. Only specific electro-magnetic fields are capable of holding antimatter plasma, and indeed antimatter has varying layers or dimensions of intensity. Your developed MerKiVic field is indeed capable of holding this energy, and transporting you within it.

Magnetic Plasma in Matter and Antimatter

We tell you that on your Earth, magnetic field lines emerge out of the North Pole, curve downwards, and enter the South Pole through your ovoid Magnetosphere. Inside your Earth, however, these field lines move upwards from the South Pole to join the North Pole. These fields of force are charged ionics or plasma. These flows are both in the form of matter as well as antimatter. As such these occur within the parallel antimatter Earth and in fact define its composition. Antimatter plasma contains many charged particles including what may be termed anti-electrons and anti protons. Within anti matter Bio Plasma occurs and life forms of Bio Plasma teem within these fields.

So within and without your physical Earth are electromagnetic currents that operate somewhat in jet streams that flow in one direction on and above the earth and in the opposite direction in its subsurface interior. Therefore there are current flows that are parallel to one another, flowing in opposite directions, within the ovoid of the Magnetosphere. These are somewhat analogous to your longitudinal lines and crudely recognized as Curry Lines. What is not understood or as yet recognized is that these also flow in antimatter plasma, anti magnetics, anti electrics, and are the very network of energy that connects your physical Earth to the anti matter Earth, the twin 'Parallel Earth', through the flashing aspect of receiving micro black-holes (protons) and the projecting micro white-holes (electrons).

With the laminar flow of the vertical lines of longitude, the anti-matter plasma will create a network of currents. The primary vertical current induces other currents at right angles to it to form golden angle offshoots at 90 degree jets that extend directly and horizontally from the vertical currents. These are pulsed at even sequences according to the 'flash' of consciousness light units, which somewhat corresponds to the conceptual Planck scale in space-time theory.

There are certain points both within the matter-antimatter flash and planetary electromagnetic circuitry that form pressurized nodes. These nodes act as subatomic-particle amplifiers which project coherent helical streams of antimatter ions at specific vectors on the planet.

These are in essence anti matter vortexes that permeate into the physical earth and the Magnetosphere. These enter the earthplane at the latitudinal points between 49 and 52 degrees north and 49 and 52 degrees south.

The latitude of 51 degrees is a planetary geometrical vector that receives the jet stream helix of highly charged antimatter plasma into the physical realm at certain nodes. Stonehenge, Avebury, Banff, Lake Louise, Lake Baikal and Torres del Paine, Patagonia all occur at this latitude. For that reason these areas are extraordinarily charged electro-magnetically, quite multidimensional in nature, yet retain an incredible balance. These areas are only capable of retaining the antimatter field because of the unique magno electrical resonance produced by the mineralogy of the area.

These vortexes spiral and intertwine with pulses of gravitons, positrons and anti-plasma and to form coherent plasmic helixes that occur in the zones of the Canadian Rockies, Lake Baikal in Siberia, Avebury-Stonehenge and southern Patagonia areas of Argentina and Chile. All of these points are near 51 degrees latitude. These energies collate and pool, due in large to the specific crystalline-magnetic mineralogy that exist in these magno crystalline areas.

As a result, the parallel Earth coexists more tangibly and overlaps more fully within these areas, and life forms of bioplasmic nature indeed exist there in great abundance. But let us be clear, these areas are in essence macro white holes. Tremendous energy, from antimatter is transformed to charged matter and exuded. The antimatter overlay that dually occurs in Banff does not intermingle with matter per sei; rather the two fields co-exist in separate dimensions. They somewhat coincide, but are indeed quite separate. Better to say that the antimatter field is far more easily experienced thru the subtle body within this area. And as such thru the MerKaba which is greatly expanded therein. Do you understand?

The Angelic Field of the area is a direct result of this, and occurs in Bioplasmic matrix.

Bioplasmic life is quite real, and in fact, as we have stated, your subtle body and your chakric centers tie into the plasmic sphere of antimatter, the Parallel Earth. It is a less dense form of life, and not usually visible to the naked eye. It operates at a much higher frequency, and extremely high life forms abound in this energy, and evolve faster within it.

The Parallel Antimatter Interface

Your Universe, your Cosmos is approximately 80% antimatter. That you term the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, Faeries, Elementals and the Sacred Dragon all interface with your physical earth thru the lens of antimatter. Because your etheric body interfaces into antimatter, it can be said that human kind are in fact hybrids of matter / antimatter, evolved from anti matter.

A key part of the Ascension is the reformation of the Firmament. The Cosmic Trigger is the initial phase of this reformation. The points of the Cosmic Trigger of 2009 that released coded electromagnetics are releasing codes of both matter and antimatter electromagnetic plasma. The effect is a lessening of the density of your physical world, a thinning of the veils, a speeding up of frequency. The primary point of this in North America is the vast caldron of Yellowstone, and Yellowstone is in special linkage to Banff and Asheville, North Carolina for this purpose. The effects are many. The energy of Banff and Yoho are currently pulsing with an extraordinary benevolent energy. Energy far far more complex than has ever existed there prior.

The beneficial effects are myriad .This area has always been beautiful, and always in balance, but it is exponentially more potently so during the Cosmic Trigger.

Any human who enters the sacred areas of Banff and Yoho National Parks in the Canadian Rockies between 2009 and 2012 will experience a tremendous clearing and chakric balancing. A sense of renewal will occur and that will result in a re-energization of higher purpose, a renewed clarity. Even those who are coming simply for relaxation in the splendor of these sacred energies will be immensely refreshed, but those who enter with advanced knowledge and spiritual intent will be exponentially rewarded.

This very special alignment began occurring in the March 2009 initial phase of the Cosmic Trigger, in which crystalline light was received and triggered the release of potent coded electromagnetics. Several pyramidal points in Canada helped bring in the light, including the Edmonton Walter-Pyramids, Mount Edith Cavell, Castle Mountain, the Three Sisters, Mount Assiniboine, Mount Rundle, Kananastas, and Revelstoke. The primary point of the EM release in North America is Yellowstone, and its primary receiving points for distribution were Banff and Asheville. The Canadian Rockies within Banff National Park serve as circuit balance and distribution points for the electromagnetic codes of the Cosmic Trigger. There are of course many many global sites of the coded electromagnetics. Global fountains released them, and dispersed them through major mountain ranges and Phi Grid vortexial-portal sites.

In 2010 the crystalline release of the Cosmic Trigger will occur, and in that activation, the second phase of the Trigger, the crystalline rock termed the Canadian Shield will be among the matrixes that release crystal codes that will intertwine with the magnetics.

Phi Activation and the Artificial Moon of Saturn

Accordingly the Canadian Rockies are in a major state of activation. The enormous glaciers that are now in a rapid state of melting, are in fact releasing celestial-codes from the crystalline ice that are being ingrained into the Golden Spiral Harmonics of the 12-Dimensional Metatronic Phi (Earthen-Harmonic Grid) of this area, within the Michael Vortex. Indeed the glacier crystallization in this area contains within it undiscovered complex geometric crystal patterns that have not yet been recognized. Their release into the atmosphere in the ongoing melting-cycle is quite beneficial, quite necessary.

These patterns are in fact frequency codes that effect the earth's rotation and gravity ratio. We tell you all of these are influenced to a great degree by the artificial moon of Saturn. We will speak more of this in a future channel download. But we tell you even now your more enlightened astrophysicist are becoming aware that one of Saturn's moons is artificial, though they dare not express such nonconventional belief. We tell you that the moon called Lapetus that satellites the extreme outer orbit of the 'Ringed-Planet' was put in place for specific purpose by the highly evolved Andromedans.

Ascension In Parallel

The Ascension is not only occurring on the material Earth, but also its parallel. The alignment into the Galactic center is also causing a tremendous increase of the flow of charged ionic energy, that termed antimatter-plasma into the planetary poles. The Parallel of Earth exists in anti matter, and within antimatter is enormous energy.

The Archangel Michael Vortex

The unique matrix of the Canadian Rockies has been formatting since November of 1992. Lord Michael began anchoring his presence in a triangulated portal within the core of the Canadian Rockies after the gateway event you call the 11: 11. The process required three years to complete. The three pinnacles of the vortex vertice are Lake Louise, Lake O'Hara and Emerald Lake. Lake Moraine is within this triangulation . These four crystalline lakes hold an incredibly potent energy and are thus capable of sustaining manifestations of Archangel Michael's energetic presence. This is absolutely due to the unique energetic-cocktail of ionic forces that began slowly penetrating in 1992 with the plasma of the parallels in conjunction with the matter/antimatter flux.

The enhanced thinned veil clarity that resulted within these pristine sites has facilitated many to have direct experiences with Archangel Michaels Divine Presence. A counterclockwise energy vortex was set into motion prior to the 12:12, connecting the locations. The triangulation has formed what may be referred to as the Michael Vortex and a great and greater spiritual light is thus disseminated throughout the entire area for hundreds of miles.

Special caretakers have been drawn to these areas to align, anchor and imprint within this divine energy. This is still ongoing. The channel is among these. The channel was subconsciously aware of Lord Michael's presence here, long before he consciously realized it, years before he realized the significance it had planetarily. That is why, even now, he is among those who have imprinted an energetic portion of their spiritual pattern within this magnificent area. Such areas, you see, have the frequential capacity to record the soul imprint of those who experience them.

Colloidal Crystal Waters

The unique power of these lakes is in their crystallized colloidal quartz content. The glacier crystal silicate is quite unique in its frequency, and although this occurs in other areas of the Earth, the frequency of this vortex is quite special, quite complex in this area of Canada. While your geologists readily recognize that the incredible coloring of the waters is due to this silicate particle, they do not recognize the energy it adds. They do not recognize the unique pattern of the crystallized structure of this particle, or of the synergistic reaction that occurs when light penetrates the surface of the waters. They do not understand the healing potency of the very striking colors of these lakes. Nor do they understand the multidimensional bio-plasmic electromagnetics that define all of the above.

Now, your science knows of Newtonian fluids and colloidal plastic fluids, but there is another aspect to fluids that has not been considered. Energized fluids, magnetized fluids, crystallized fluids, all occur in the special waters of the Michael Vortex in Banff and Yoho National Parks. The silicate particulate in the fluids is in such a colloidal state that it does not settle, yet the fluid moves fully in Newtonian, water states. The fluid carries an electrical field so robust that an energetic resonance is pulsed that encapsulates everything within its field.

For these reasons, certain areas such as Lake Louise and Emerald Lake are permitted to have large streams of touring visitors, many of who are directed to come on a subtle level. The energy of the crystal fluids with the imprint of Lord Michael penetrates their being in such a way that it is physically, emotionally and spiritually impossible for them not to be affected, not to be touched or given the opportunity to heal.

Lake O'Hara is, by design, more remote and serves as the energy holder for the flux of light energy. Lake O'Hara is already in the fifth dimension and beyond. It is by far the most powerful Bio Plasmic Angelic entity in the region. Yet all 4 of these entities, Louise, Moraine, Emerald and O'Hara are Angelic Beings of Bio Plasmic nature. Angels indeed.

Equally potent but differently expressed are the Glaciers in the area. Hydro Crystals of Bio Plasmic Energy coded in light. Their very evaporation ongoing adds extremely to the special qualities of this area, as the transformation from solid crytsal to liquid crystal imprints the energy of the Banff vortex.

Liquid-Crystal Geometry

A precise dimensional vector of all three planetary grids exists within the Michael Portal Triangulation. As such, the geometric projection of this vortex area contains all the platonic solids: tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. These are now expanding into more complex sacred geometries. Such an impeccable clarity of consecrated sentient energy exists here, that the sacred geometric template complies with the parallelogram 'Law of Addition'. Because of this, the energy is self directed, and capable of adjusting itself to negate that which you would term negativity, as well as adjust its geometry to fully maintain its complex symmetrical template.

You see Dear Ones, the living geometry here forms the Metatronic cube in a multidimensional matrix, such that any force of telluric transformation, that would effect or alter the anchor points of the crystalline template is immediately and automatically met with a counter- balancing adjustment that will maintain the coordinate system in perfect symmetry. This is the nature of the inserted hologram of the Metatronic crystal. It adheres to the Law of Balance within Universal Truth.

The Metatronic Cube is a living, sentient template. It moves and shifts and adjusts itself to maintain its crystalline integrity. It is the living Phi Grid within and beyond the geometrics of that termed the Reshel. For all grids are more fluid and complex as they shift in dimensional capacity into the 144-Crystal Grid of the Ascension. That is why their geometries cannot truly be defined; they flux in a dynamic living kaleidoscopic flowering in constant multidimensional movement.

Transformation Into Clear Mind

Humans experience this energy matrix in many ways. It is as an area of quickened 'higher' thought manifestation, and an area in which inner conflict and obstacle are somewhat 'squeezed' to the surface, and forced to be confronted, and given the opportunity to be healed. Higher thought, pure thought, loving feelings, are transformed into a geometric vector within the operating system of these energies, and real immediate healing and transformation can occur here. The human seeker can evolve more readily into 'clear mind' within this energy.

That which you refer to as negative thought is largely dormant within this field. This nullification is because negativity lacks the appropriate hyper dimensional geometric frequency impulse to achieve expansion, reaction or recognition within the positive homogeneous matrix. One might say they are released and transformed.

Not all portal-vortex systems are so balanced. Some are quite intense and as such less palpable to the human energy field. The matrix of Archangel Michael in Banff and Yoho projects the energy of love. This energy is effectively disseminated throughout the area for hundreds of miles. That is the reason that the people living in this land are perceived as being so agreeable in disposition.

Refinement of MerKaBa into MerKiVa

And so we bring in the energy of Alton Kamadon as Enoch, the Pleadean Tyberonn and Ekahila-Na within the Metatronic Field. And so we tell you that the complex magno crystal aspects of Banff National Park are extraordinarily conducive to the expansion of the star-tetrahedronal MerKaBa into the MerKiVa.

You see the hi frequencial energy of antimatter is a very unique and very complex plasmic soup that evolves into something of a liquid-crystal state, thus the unique affinity to the crystalline lakes of Banff, Baikal and Patagonia. Now, we tell you that the same evolution takes place biologically with human biology in certain glandular structures in the human body that coordinate the chakric system.

As such the crystalline bioplasma is able to align within electro-magnetic coding and electric fields, to serve as an electronic matrix, a co-ordinate system and a template for the interfacing of the chakric system to other inner dimension. In this role, the MerKaBa to MerKiva is enhanced, because the symbiotic etheric- bioplasmic field becomes the catalyst for the advanced frequential development of the human body in matter, in carbon-based biology. Perfect symmetry. Do you see how the liquid crystalline energy of this area then plays in uniquely symbiotic in this role.

Bioplasmic Capacitor

Your physical body, your nervous system is electrical and in a sense your carbon body is a capacitor. So these natural electric fields in the body are connected to the human auric EMF thru the chakras. The bioplasmic body evolves into the star tetrahedron of the MerKaBa that is in fact a hybrid bioplasmic form. It is twinned to the physical-carbon based body through the double-cones of the chakric systems , which are in essence particle accelerators. As such the energy flows in and out and vice-versa with the bioplasma body generating the human electromagnetic field.

Each chakra contains within its structure bioplasmic crystals that operate in a fluid state, opening on each end, spanning from matter into antimatter and vice versa. The open and close and spin according to energy source and functional intent. So for humans above the equator , when the spinning is clockwise it is taking in energy and counterclockwise energy is projected outward. For humans below the equator the reverse is true. That is why to some extent imbalances can occur when living precisely on the equator or in the Polar Regions near the artic and Antarctic circles. It is also why the regions of 48 to 52 degrees attitude provide such beneficial balance.

When humans learn to operatively develop the MerKaBa the chakras are able to emit jet streams that allow for more complex geometries to form into MerKiVic states, and a greater number of chakras and subchakras are activated. The unique energy magno-crystalline in the Banff Bioplasmic Field is readily absorbed into the chakric system and allows for accelerated development of the MerKiVa. Crystalline codes then transform the MerKiVa into higher levels to the stellated dodecahedron that consciously multi-task in inner and outer dimension.

Axialtonal Sacred Alignments

The Michael Vortex of Banff Vortex is energetically in tune with other crystalline waters, especially those of Patagonia, Chile, Lake Ouachita in Arkansas, Titicaca in Bolivia-Peru, Lake Zurich, Switzerland, Lake Tahoe in Nevada, and Lake Baikal in Siberia - all living cathedrals of love and healing. All potent vessels of the dual-plasmic spiral. These are aligned in harmonic oscillations through what is termed axialtonal lines, which are quite different from leylines.


Masters know that all is well. Trust that the Ascension in all its multi-dimensional aspects, in all of its transitions is well in hand. We know each of you by name, we know the changes you are experiencing. We are with you. The greater part of each of you is here, watching your human expressions in biochemical clothes, as you walk through the linear flowering of this magnificent time.

Humanity wears duality filters, and you are as yet a species with amnesia. The veil is thinning, and you on the path are beginning to see the great and greater Truth. It is beautiful beyond your wildest dreams. Remember to love one another and nurture one another, But Dear Ones, please do not forget to love and nurture yourself and experience the gentle Love that is your matrix. Love is the frequencial key that melds ALL.

I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths . You are beloved.

And so it is

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