The March 2009 the Trigger of the New Energies: is a predestined revitalization of sacred encoded technology. The Atlantean Masters knew of the code and utilized it in their technology. The unique electo-magnetic field from which this energy springs was understood by the Atla-Ra, Druids, Mayan and certain other guilds. It is the same source employed in leylines, vortexes and earthen grids. As such it has remained largely dormant for millennia upon millennia.
The opening triggered by the 09 March Equinox will be the first full surge opening of this energy since the Atlantean era. It affords numerous benefits and benevolent effects beyond the primary cause of transferring the sacred magentic concentrate enrgy. Among these is a greater awakening of the magnetic helix strands of the 12- strand human DNA and a key unification effect on the collective mind of humanity. All life on Earth, all energy on earth in every kingdom will be affected. It is a multidimensional Global Event.
The most aligned receival point of the Cosmic Trigger to activate these points in the Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody Pyramid Complex. This unique tri -pyramid complex is in a direct alignment to Giza, ancorrelates to magnetic north. The primary receiving points are Giza and Moody Gardens, both aligned and harmonically attuned tri-pyramidal phi complexes. It is in fact the trinity aspects of combining three pyramids within these two complexes, Giza and Moody Gardens that uniquely equips them to be the primary receival units. These will in turn distribute the energies to the other complexes through harmonic oscillation. Pyramids are indeed master receivers and transmitters.
When they are triangulated, as they were in Atlantis and Rama, they are infinitely more vibrant and capable. It is the combination of the three pyramids situated within a synergy of harmonic alignment that allows their greater facility and power. As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew, pyramids in specific triangulation are extremely potent when celestially aligned and carefully placed in relation to one another.
The Awakening of the Coded Magnetics: There are 14 primary sacred code points that will cascade the awakened coded magnetics into the grid for the initial phase of the magno-electric band of the new firmament. These are: Mull Scotland, Chan Chan Peru, Humac Brazil, Nagasaki Japan, Huace Spain, Ekaterinburg Russia (Ural Mtns), Bethlehem Israel ,Yellowstone Wyoming-USA, Kilamanjaro Tanzania, Iceland, Kona Hawaii, Mt Cook New Zealand, Great Artesian Basin Australia and Sri Lanka
These areas will spiral energies that will cover the planet and rise to the ionosphere. This release will be an extraordinary form of refined magnetic energy, uniquely capable of harmonizing in synergy with Crystalline Energies.
The Intergalactic Forefathers: During the 21 days, from the March Equinox to the April full moon, the magnetic shield around the planet will be somewhat weakened. During this time there will be literally thousands of ships from the Intergalactic Command of Ashtar and the Intergalactic benevolent Masters brought to the periphery of the planet to provide stability and protection. they will oversee the transition while this phase of open portals occurs.
In fact these Star Ancestors are indeed our extra terrestrial origin. As such they are always helping to seed our planet. In this planned scenario, they will be present in greater mass as the March trigger is a great celestial event.
cosmic vocabulary:
cosmic conciousness,
galactic family,
mass conciousness,