Eternal Godliness


The quest for the Holy Grail extends across the ages of man. Human life is an ongoing chain of endeavour known in philosophy as the "Golden Chain of Hermes". The lamp passes from one generation to the next in a relay race which represents an ascending path of chivalrous activity, from alpha to omega, the beginning and the end. This is the quest.

Then finally, The Payoff, is seen at window 1.03. First Nations have first Rights to Land in the Kingdom of the New Heaven and the New Earth descended unto man. Now fruit begets fruit in a quantum wave function. Each person who is through the Ankh is part of the completed (+1)+(-1)=0 equation to which we can add limitless 000's without altering the sum of the universal equation.

The deed is already done. The people of the past dedicated the spiral staircase of the future to those who were yet to come. Their phantoms interpenetrate our sphere of activity. They still fight the Holy War and cry out for justice as described in the amazing prediction of how man would exit from this dimension, in Revelations Chapter 6.

All of the prophecies of Book of Revelations has now come to pass. All human blood is mingled in the Holy Grail of Mother Earth until the time of the Great Payday, when the time release capsule opens and the cosmic egg is hatched, at cubit window 1.03. This is the time of the raising of the dead across dimensions. It is the fulfilment of the Divine Promise "From whence He shall come to raise the quick and the dead". Believe and receive.

Each person in the human resources pool of Mother Earth may take all he/she wants of life within the law of the triune Goddess of Love, Truth and Wisdom. The price has been paid in advance by the saints of the ages who have understood that their lives are owed to their future generations. The cycle of time spent above and below the thin red dividing line between dimensions continues until they merge into one.

This happens as the "Quarksphere" swirls at an ever increasing VPS to 55x10 to the 31st power, the limitless oscillating vibrational energy of the Supra Ordinate factor which is L.O.V.E. Circuit 3.1, The Magnificat, shows us how to gain light speed.

The drag of intellectual resistance to LOVE is eliminated in the glorious activity of the "Dance of Shiva". At this time the psychotronic war which releases Earth from the grip of Appolyon, Lord of Form, and Lucifer, The Light Bearer, is won. Any person using their normal five senses can watch this happening on a daily basis in the circus of the lower kingdom.

Metaphysics is the "dark horse" that wins the race. At Window 1.03 the Cosmic Race is done. The interdimensional war of form and function, life and death is won. Royal patronage is in effect. The cast is changing on the upfront stage of human history at a very rapid rate. (ie. USA; Soviet Union; Europe). Those who have participated in the ACTION now enjoy an upfront seat in the Grand Finale. Front row seats are expensive, paid for in advance until the debt to the TREE OF LIFE is balanced. Then The Paymaster stamps each Boarding Pass and gives the incoming human being a Citizens Certificate. Then we move to a simple pay-as-you-go system.

We are the Squires of the Kingdom, now set free the House of Bondage. The old social fabric is fatigued to the point of total disintegration, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, for LOVE is the missing ingredient. Absence of this ingredient = Sin and Death.

But the Elixir of Life has been spinal tapped into the New Earth Era. "Insofar as ye have elevated the least of these thou hast elevated Me".

The Devil himself has realized that LOVE is the answer. As does anyone else with ears to hear and eyes to see. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE for LOVE. It is the basic of all truth and all wisdom. It is the substance which Kings are made of. All else is self abasement.

Window 3.01 is an end to mixed signals. Light does not fight darkness, it simply lets darkness exhaust itself then occupies the vacuum where darkness has dwelt. Truth cuts the path towards LOVE, The Supra Ordinate Factor. Truth is empathetic (Tau, or neutrino in the quarkfield). TRUTH is reality, the straight and narrow path to The Paymaster. Only Truth can set this planet free of the laws of sin and death.

All earth children are born completely vulnerable, with only pain and pleasure as their guide. Chaos and confusion develop in the young mind as the E-Motion Button is pressed to activate brain chemistry. The first few years are vitally important. Ego, the old time friend whose role has not yet been fully explored becomes hyper vigilant to threat as pain cells cluster, and man cannot accept himself as being the wonderful miracle that he/she was born to be. At Window 1.03 there are no more mixed signals.

The E-Motions of passion and compassion enter into and harmonic convergence at the Paymasters' Wicket. Brain chemistry is neutralized, the psyche is set free to be its Amazing I AM Self. The Supra Conscious Mind is the (-1) Observer. Philosophically it is Ganesh, The Elephant God of Wealth and Wisdom, that carries the world on its back to Spiritual Victory. At The Paymasters' Wicket the penny drops. For though the conscious mind has drunk of the draught of forgetfulness during its earthly classroom, The Elephant never forgets.
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