Lauren C. Gorgo
Hi there...
I have some exciting things to share!
First of all, if you have been feeling relatively the same since May, (that is to say...unplugged/broke/lifeless/disconnected/apathetic/toxic/fatigued, et all) know that you are not alone and that these creepy energies definitely followed us into June without permission. eeew.
But don't fret...they are serving their purpose extremely well and as a result we are on track and still preparing to land. Currently (and till about the 15th) we are depressurizing and stabilizing as we make this rapid descent into earth. We are finally below the clouds and just able to see the landscape of our destination from this elevated view.
If you have been receiving greater clarity about your role and purpose/upcoming changes, or feeling the urge to get all your proverbial ducks in a row...this is indeed why. The first week of June pumped us up with some "get things ready" energy, and though we could not move very fast to keep up with these pervading thoughts, they were there nonetheless to give us a greater glimpse of what's just ahead.
And I will have more to report very soon in what I am hearing will be my LAST and FINAL energy update! ...music to my ears...
I will explain more as I know more...I just received this news and I am still putting all the pieces together regarding what to report, but most importantly in terms of...WHATS NEXT?! I can tell you this...things are starting to rev up exponentially in the ethers and seems I already have a new team of transition guides here on standby and who will be escorting you/me/us to the new vibrational teachings of the fully conscious human.
Feels like these new lessons will be mostly experiential based and for the purposes of managing our new energy systems and honing our manifestation skills...though I can't be sure cause they aren't saying much yet...just sitting and grinning like they have a secret to tell...
Lastly, I wanted to announce the birth of new addition to ThinkWithYourHeart.net...please welcome....Ask the Destiny Dula™!
Ask the Destiny Dula™ is a simple virtual community coaching platform...a place to ask questions, learn from others experiences, get (my) advice, and be heard.
Basically, its a compromise.
Since I am no longer offering personal services and I can't keep up with all of the questions the way I want to...I decided to create a way to meet in the middle...
CHECK IT OUT and let me know what you think! (but please keep in mind it is still very much in its infancy stage : )
Be with you shortly...
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."-George Bernard Shaw
cosmic vocabulary:
ascension update,
energy updates,
world peace