by Karen Bishop
June 14, 2009
This past Thursday (June 11), as I prepared for bed, my star companion showed up with a message. I had just shown my property for sale that day, and assumed he would be pointing out some things that I needed to be aware of, or perhaps that would be helpful in regard to the day’s occurrences, as this was his usual pattern…always helpful is assisting me in any way possible. But this time, I was in for a surprise.
Instead, he stated emphatically that there would be a turn of events that would change everything for me, and it was just around the corner. What exactly did that mean? I had been seeing this same scenario for several weeks and even months for all of us, but never heard this directly from him. And when he tells me something, he is never wrong. He was telling me this himself now, because it was now finally time to go.
Upon looking into the dimensions and energies more specifically, an amazing picture unfolded. My non-physical companion had also said that there was a very special place being prepared for me, and all the pieces were nearly in place. He showed me a beautiful land of peace and serenity, a very new home, and a special new home that was being “made” by many loving beings…all for me. Everything was being put into place, and I need not intentionally do a thing to get there.
I was indeed near ready to be “going” somewhere new, to say good-bye to all I had experienced and what I had lived up until now, and to thus arrive in a very new land. Several years ago, I had a similar experience. I remember seeing a very clear vision of me, waving god-bye to all I had never known, and leaving this world. At that time, we really did not know what ascension was about, and so, I became very frightened. I thought that I was probably preparing to die, not yet knowing that we die while we are alive through the ascension process.
This kind of dramatic departure occurs when we are ready to enter a very new reality and very new plateau. As I have described in “Heaven’s Gate,” the new mini e-book accessible on this web site, we have been climbing rung after rung of the ascension ladder for several years now (letting go little by little), and have finally reached a very new plateau. Very different from a rung, a plateau is quite dramatic in that we leave everything behind, and do indeed arrive somewhere unbelievably different, far removed from anything of the old world and of the past. And it is there that all our needs are always met. Since that first significant departure I experienced those many years ago, this has remained true for me without exception, and so, I know it to be true for anyone reaching this level.
This same scenario is occurring again now. But know as well that it will manifest differently for everyone depending upon where each of us is residing dimensionally.
When I had this experience several years ago, I felt very alone, as I felt as if I were going somewhere and leaving everyone and everything behind. It was acutely uncomfortable, as not many were in my position at that time. But then one day in the midst of my panic, it suddenly became clear that we were all eventually going, if even at different times and in different ways. And this is why we are so rapidly evolving into the angels of the earth, in order to assist others in arriving where we now are.
So then, where is this new place and new reality that will be arriving so very soon, and what is the sudden turn of events that will change everything?
At this point in our journey, many of us have let go of much of everything (whether intentionally or not)…jobs, individuals, relationships, sources of income, future plans, and literally, pretty much everything. This is because we cannot go across the border with all our suitcases. We are starting very new. Remember? This us what we have wanted and have been complaining about not happening for quite some time.
Because there is nothing much left for many of us, we may be feeling very empty right about now. We may perhaps feel exhausted, tired, un-plugged from our Source or even from ourselves, and just feel like we are hanging out there in mid-air, floating from here to there with no sense of direction and not much to keep us going. Because we have let everything go, and are preparing to start very new with a very clean slate, we may indeed not even know what that “very new” will even look like!
We have endured much these past years, and even throughout our entire lifetimes, for that matter. It has been a long haul and we have done our jobs well. We have successfully brought the planet up to a vibration that we used to embody, and now we get to leave for greener pastures and new realities (and again, we will assist those residing in the lower dimensions in getting where we are, so the journey continues on…only now it will be much easier).
In this way, we have earned our seeming retirement and our gold watches, and really, our angel wings. This is why our new spaces are lovingly being prepared for us now, and we need not do a thing. We are so highly revered by the cosmos for what we have undertaken and achieved, that we are now being granted our Heaven on Earth, and it is being prepared for us now. Even though it is up to us to create our very new reality, the space is none-the-less being prepared by very loving hands. In this way, there are many, many pieces that need to be put into position, and as I have said so many times in weeks past, because this is such a monumental move, it is taking awhile.
What will unfold for us very soon, will be things very different indeed. This is what my non-physical companion was referring to when he said that everything will change. This is why I have been writing for many weeks now, that we cannot create much at this time, because if we did, we would simply have to undo it because everything is soon to be very different. This is why nothing much is working for us now, and why we are experiencing the “stop sign” energy in most all things. Nothing is being allowed to break through for us, unless it is specifically related to our very new selves and very new endeavors, and even then, these new manifestations are arriving like turtle steps in molasses. We are being very protected.
Almost daily, I have a new “aha!”. So even though it may seem that nothing much is happening, for me, I am realizing things and opening to higher level information at a rapid rate. Another divine outcome of this unusual space we are in, is the experience of being in our centers, being in the now, and trusting that all is in divine and perfect order. I have never experienced in all my years of writing these messages, so many of my readers in such a loving and magical space of trusting and faith, or connecting to their angel selves, and of embodying such loving and magical energy. It is divine to see…your letters are amazing indeed and a joy to read each day. Thank you so much…I feel so blessed to have you as family.
Do we need to know and plan our very new endeavors and our very new contributions and our very new selves? Is it up to us?
Very soon, we will be granted strange and unpredicted sources of income, never thought of opportunities will arrive, we will receive unusual offers, we will be given amazing gifts, and we will then, need to make some decisions and decide which direction we wish to go. Great changes and very new directions will arrive for many of us. It will be all things new, and we will feel as though we have left one reality and experience behind and are now beginning something very new and different….very fresh and clean….and as if we are starting all over again in new shoes and in a very new world.
When, oh when, will this happen? These things are impossible to predict with accuracy. This is because it is always, but always, up to us. Yes, the solstice of June will most certainly anchor us in to this new reality in a very new way, but we always seem to take the road that allows as many as possible to be on board…thus delaying things sometimes years! No, it won’t be years this time, as most of you know.
Once the new manifestations and new openings begin to arrive, things will snowball because we are all connected. It is then that these newly purified individuals and places will connect to us, in a most pristine and perfectly matched way. I have been hearing for weeks now, that my perfect partner or companion is due to arrive very soon, as in the new world and new reality, our experiences will be oh so different and oh so divine indeed. It will be all about purified matches in vibration, in other words, a Heaven on Earth.
Even though things may seem to be on hold right now, it does not mean that certain things we were planning on manifesting simply will not occur. Some things will and some things won’t. And again, for those of you who have been concerned that I am referring to us leaving our bodies behind or that a space ship is coming to take us away, this is not what I am saying.
When my star companion said that a very new home was being prepared for me, he did not mean this literally. Yes, some of us will be relocating to new and different places on the earth that most perfectly match who we now are and what we will soon be creating, but we can also create these things right where we are now. When my companion said that I would be removed from this reality and taken away, he did not mean that I was going off in a space ship. Dimensions exist within dimensions. When we leave one dimension, we go to another dimension right here on the earth. We go through, not up and away. Thus, we will be going to a Heaven on Earth, and then assist those who are ready, in getting where we are. For a very detailed account of how we will assist others, I welcome you in downloading “Heaven’s Gate” from this web site. If you are currently strapped financially, know that it is offered by donation only.
Have you reached the end of your rope? Are you out of gas? Do you feel empty and lost? Are you unusually tired or exhausted or perhaps feeling cold with an inability to get warm? Know that these are simply indications of an impending transition, as we are most certainly very near to experiencing a full tank of gas, touching the end of a very new rope, and having an opportunity to find out who we really and truly are and what we wish to contribute and create.
With much love and gratitude,
YOUR BOOK EXCERPT FOR TODAY (All books, their descriptions and pertinent info. can be found at the end of this section below)
From The Ascension Companion:
HAVE YOU EVER FELT somehow left out? As if you were perhaps on an island by yourself? Or maybe that things were moving along energetically, and then they suddenly stopped?
Have you ever tried to move forward, and been stopped abruptly by some unseen force that simply will not let a thing manifest for you? During this time, have you felt very unsupported?
There comes a time with the ascension process when we are basically disconnected. The energy that brings in the higher vibrations and this energy that we usually connect to in order to create and move forward, feels simply absent. There are several reasons for this. Basically, it is absent. And when these phases occur, they can be quite uncomfortable as they make us feel powerless. And powerlessness is one of the most lower vibrational states we can be in.
We can feel disconnected when the energies are re-adjusting.
This is a regular pattern with the ascension process. We go through a period of great movement, and then...nothing but stop sign energy. This period of disconnection occurs because much is being re-aligned and readied for the next stage of movement.
At higher levels and at the lower physical levels as well, things are being moved into place for our arrival. It is as if a bed is being made for us to lie in.
In this regard, we are being prohibited from moving forward for a very good reason. We would not want to move forward into a space or New situation, and then have to move right out of it into a better suited one. Things are being prepared. The energies, so to speak, are elsewhere on a different task that will be highly beneficial to us for the near future.
Several months ago, I needed to register my car in the state of Arizona, as I had moved here a few months prior and had yet to update things. Trying to be a good citizen, I went to the motor vehicle department and "tried" to accomplish this seemingly easy task. Well, evidently, I had brought the wrong documents, and was sent home. A few days later, I tried again, but the lines were unbelievably long, so I decided to wait. While in a neighboring smaller town a week or so later, I thought that I would go to their motor vehicle department, as the wait would most certainly be shorter. As I waited for a little while, an employee soon arrived on the scene and declared that there was a very unusual situation at hand, and they were suddenly severely short of staff, so many would need to go home!
Well, O.K. Something was certainly up in regard to my car situation.
But stubborn me, decided to try one more time. As I was in the very small town of St. John's, Arizona, a few days later, I tried again.
I was literally the only one in the office that day. "Oh, perfect!"
I thought to myself. Well, guess what? I no sooner got my papers filled out than I was told that the computers had just gone down, would be down for who knew how long, and I could not complete my task.
In future weeks, my car would suddenly break down and I would end up having to buy a new one...so all was in order, it seemed.
(And I ended up buying a brand new car with no source of income and absolutely no credit, as I have no debt!) Although a minor example here of the stop sign energy at work, it can affect us in all areas of our lives, as we seem to literally be held back.
When the disconnect phase arrives, it can feel very uncomfortable. No matter what we do or whatever action we take during this time, we seem to get nowhere. Another manifestation during times of disconnect, is a lack of support. Supportive finances seem to come to a halt. Nothing seems to arrive for us in any way. It is as if everything has come to one big halt.
Once we know and understand what is going on and why, it can help to ease the frustration of the stand-still energy. If we can trust that this phase is occurring in order to better prepare our place in the future, we can then know that in actuality, we really are being supported. As human being we tend to like being in charge of our creations and being the ones to make things happen. With this power seemingly gone, we may feel useless and almost as if our wands have been confiscated or we are being punished for some unknown reason.
But something that knows more than our mental minds know, is very busy creating and lining things up just for us. Perhaps it's about control... a need to be at the helm. But as we connect more and more to Source, we learn to trust that Source can do much of the legwork for us. We simply have to let go and allow, and know that even though nothing seems to be happening for us now, it will again very soon.
If you have chosen this page, know that all is in divine and perfect order. Even though you may feel disconnected, things are actually being moved into place to support your next phase.
You would not want to move forward into a situation that would soon be changing, along with your own. As you trust that the Universe is on your side, you will soon be in a New and different space that is just perfect for you."
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cosmic vocabulary:
ascension update,
energy updates,
mass conciousness,
new earth,
world peace