Eternal Godliness

...Anyone may choose at this time to Ascend need to re-link with own Divine Source, release their patterns of limitation, release judgment and separation, restore memories about origin of self, accept experiences for all times of existence, accept own multidimensionality - (to list just a few) - and move into the loving place of the heart that which resonates as true and in the Divine flow of the Universe...

It has always been so and will probably continue until it is no longer necessary as a universal process.It is a stage in this evolutionary process and involves reaching a place where one is ready to raise oneself to the frequency of Light.

It is available to every being in the entire universe.

Evolution is basically a continuing growth through learning in many forms. This growth comes about through greater spiritual wisdom, compassion, tolerance, integrity, true understanding and such qualities that lead us to
Unconditional Love.

What is Ascension? Ascension is the means by which your Soul and Oversoul( Monad) descend and are anchored into the physical body and creating a new experience of life. Every spiritual path is preparation for ascension. This is an opportunity to take a quantum leap into higher consciousness within a very short time is possible. The transformation is not something intended for a select few. It is
the birth right of everyone.

Ascension starts with openning Sacred Heart that is attuned to Cosmic Rainbow:

Archangel Michael's explanation of Ascended Planet (November 4, 2007)

"I am every ready to answer your questions as I want all my light workers to understand that there is a new beginning offered to me and to you. I want as many as possible to start the next leg of our journey into the golden galaxy. This awaits us. I would prefer that all who came with me originally understand this progression as I promised to bring forth the information for the next ride into a new consciousness.

When I leave with the lightworkers who have awakened, Earth will be here in all its splendor and there will be several mirror images of this planet. The very lowest image will be on a lower vibration and this will hold the dark forces and those who are in the control of those who are of the dark.

The next higher image which is just beginning to harden will hold those who slip between the dimensions and who are able to exist on the new Earth. This group will have a physical form, but the form will be a little more etheric. The particles will be lighter, more space between molecules and there will be no dark forces that can live on this second Earth as the vibration will be higher. This is what is being called Gaia’s ascension. The dark cannot exist on this variation of the new Earth.

There is a Third Earth forming though it is mostly in the process of thought now and the particles of these thoughts are very etheric. We use that term for your understanding. What will be forming on this third Earth will be very pristine and the physical forms will appear as they did early in Lemuria and early Atlantis. This will be an Earth of great light and those who will be of the second Earth will eventfully ascend to the third Earth.

The word ascension is used interchangeably by humans, but there is much to the concept of ascension. I consider ascension as moving from one level to another level where the energies are of a higher vibration. This encompasses all life and there are many examples of ascension.

What I am calling the second and third Earth are both places where the physical form will be taken along with the soul and the components will be different though the physical form will appear to be the same. "

- Archangel Michael

Our planet Earth is currently in a a state of Ascension. She is currently releasing all condensed and negative energy and raising her entire physical form and its surrounding subtle bodies (which she has just the same as the human beings). All that which is part of the Earth and identifies itself with her and operating in the natural flow of the universe, simply moves with her. Any life stream that has separated or who has evolved to a point of ‘free will and choice’ decide its own movement - may or may not choose to Ascend.

Anyone may choose at this time to Ascend need to re-link with own Divine Source, release their patterns of limitation, release judgment and separation, restore memories about origin of self, accept experiences for all times of existence, accept own multidimensionality - (to list just a few) - and move into the loving place of the heart that which resonates as true and in the Divine flow of the Universe. Then journey back Home will begin.

There are many paths and many products are available for many different needs to accommodate personal needs in that process. Own intuition or Higher Self will lead to increased Awareness and higher levels of Evolution journey into Oneness.

Choices are being made by everyone. As the planetary vibrations continue to increase all old rigid structures and systems across the Earth either change their basis of operation to one of Love, or crumble and cease to be.
Emotions are being released individually - nationally - internationally and planetary.

All remaining karma is being balanced out across the face of the Earth and everyone who chooses Love, is Light-ening up, as their vibration moves into higher frequencies. Yes it is a time to choose.

It is time to step free of fears and the old belief patterns that keep us in world of structure and control. Time to move forward in trust and faith knowing there are worlds beyond that which we can see with our eyes.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    "...time to step free of fears and the old belief patterns that keep us in world of structure and control." Aah, so beautiful. And Amen.