a message from Polaris channeled by Karen Murphy
June, as many of you have been feeling, is going to be quite an exciting month. There is a lot going on for you - and this will surface in a tangible way. Not coincidentally, there will be a number of energetic disruptions on the surface of the Earth that will likely manifest in additional earthquakes along the Asian corridor (think "Ring of Fire," also Portugal and South America while you're at it), potentially a large tsunami in the area as a result, some volcanic activity (Hello, Hawaii!), there will also manifest some disruption among the global collective connection that you all share.
This disruption in the connection will likely manifest economically with additional people losing their jobs due to the shutdown or severe cutbacks of one or more major manufacturing corporations (and all the rippling effects from smaller suppliers being affected, etc), more people finding themselves in a suddenly more precarious financial situation, and more people finding themselves more susceptible than usual to communicable disease.
This may sound rather dire, but understand that by month's end, because of the ripple effects of this global disturbance, you will feel more connected to one another than you do at present.
In other words, every time you move through something 'big' that happens on a worldwide basis, you end up feeling the connection that all of you share. For instance, think back to the events of : the World Trade Center, the Asian Tsunami, Princess Diana, and John F. Kennedy. All of these events changed how you connected with one another on a global basis. In each of these examples, there was:
* A disturbance
* The ripple effects of the disturbance
* A resulting change in how you think of one another and interact with one another
Bringing this Home
On a more personal basis, many of you have been doing much inner work. You are delving more deeply into your Self and who you are than you ever have been. This is setting you up for further changes on an inner basis during the month of June. A lot what you've been going through and feeling will start to make much more sense in the month of June.
So on the one hand, you have some rather tragic global events going on and on the other hand you have people on a personal and individual level putting pieces together about who they are in ways they never had before. This is not an accident. By the end of the month all of this comes together with the sense that here you are - all of you, the entire world - and you're all on this journey together and that connection feels pretty good.
Now, of course it will not feel as good to the people who are personally affected by some of the events that we mentioned, but because there will be such an outpouring of compassion from the rest of you, those people will be in essence buoyed by the love that you send them.
Question: If you boiled down the energy of this month to a lesson, what would it be?
Connection. You're exploring the way that you are connected and bringing that to a conscious level.
This is a long lesson that is longer than just a single month. But you're exploring it in a different way at this time because of these global events, this disturbance and the ripples that you feel. You're exploring this in June through the lens of compassion.
Question: This still sounds pretty awful, even though these things are already going on. How can we personally make a difference and help with this connection?
Understand that in large part, you're already doing it. You've been on guard - standing by. Intuitively, you know something's up on a global level. You know that the world is going to go through a series of shocks and upheavals and you're readying yourself for how that will feel. Due to the simultaneous nature of time that you all have awareness of on some level - you've already explored what comes afterward and you're dealing with that, too.
More specifically however, it's good to focus on your own process this month. Use the tools we and others give you and notice more. Notice how energy moves through your body and being. Notice this especially when you think of things that stress you. Does that feel good? Or would you like to change your response to stress? This month is your opportunity to begin to make sweeping changes on an inner level as well, an invitation to deepen that inner process you've already begun, but on a quantum level. A huge leap.
While you're in the noticing process, and especially as news begins to travel of big events, notice (or imagine) your connection to everyone else. Start with yourself and build ever-bigger concentric circles around you: include family, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, your community, ever spiraling outward in bigger circles in your mind until you've encompassed the entire world. Do this daily. We promise it will make a huge difference in creating a different sense of global connection, because that noticing has its own ripple effect and as a result others - even all those people around the world that you don't know and likely never will - will be affected by your simple exercise.
If you like, add the concept of Metta, or loving-kindness, to that concentric noticing. Start from your heart and let your heart-self radiate outward in those ever-bigger circles.
There is no way for this NOT to make a difference.
cosmic vocabulary:
ascension update,
mass conciousness,
new earth,