Gnosis is Greek for “knowledge.” Gnosis is experiential knowledge, rather than intellectual or conceptual knowledge.
The venerable science of Gnosis is the universal and essential "knowing" that arises from the experience of objective reality, universally experienced by all those who fully awaken and develop their consciousness. The means to arrive at knowing that reality for oneself, in ones own experience, is also called Gnosis, because it leads to the acquisition of one’s own Gnosis of fundamental truth.
Gnosis is, in its essence, the method to escape suffering, because the entrance into objective reality is the escape from the subjective mind, within which we all suffer intensely.
This science is exact and has existed for millennia.
True Gnosis is free of separatism, dogma, politics, fanaticism, and sectarianism.
The hallmarks of true Gnosis are profound compassion, penetrating wisdom, and sparkling intelligence.
Gnosis has been expressed by all the world’s great saints and enlightened souls, each with their own words and voice.
"All religions are precious pearls strung on the golden thread of divinity." - Samael Aun Weor
True Gnosis is universal to all mankind and can be found in all genuine religions and mystical traditions. Thus, within all of them is The Doctrine of the Synthesis: the Universal Teaching from which all religions have been born. This root knowledge is the essential science that every human being needs in order to know the Mysteries of Life and Death directly, personally, through their own experience.
All religious forms are manifestations of the great Cosmic Universal Infinite Religion latent in every atom of the Cosmos.
There is Gnosis in the Buddhist doctrine, in the Tantric Buddhism from Tibet, in the Zen Buddhism from Japan, in the Ch’an Buddhism of China, in Sufism, in the Whirling Dervishes, in the Egyptian, Persian, Chaldean, Pythagorean, Greek, Aztec, Mayan, Inca, etc., wisdom.
Gnostics teach the synthesis of all religions, schools, orders, lodges and beliefs - The Doctrine of the Synthesis.
cosmic vocabulary:
brain waves,
mass conciousness,