Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Beloved Lightworkers, as you enter this month of June 2009, you are experiencing some of the most powerful Cosmic energies that are assisting in lifting your Planet into the Higher Frequencies of Light. The Planet is Radiant and has bcome a Diamond Prism of Light in the Cosmos. You are being assisted in this process of Awakening and Transformation by so many Beings of Light, Angelic Beings, Elemental Beings, Galactic Beings, and your Beloved Cetacean families. It is not an easy time to be incarnated in a physical body, for there is so much that is happening in the Realms of Light that must be integrated and incarnated by you, that you may, at times, feel confused and lost and disconnected. Beloved Ones, at this time, it is so important that you remain grounded within your physical being and that you hold your energy and light in your heart and in your center. That is the most important and powerful work that you can do right now, as you ground the Cosmic light into your bodies and into Planet Earth.
The Diamond Light energy will intensify at the Full Moon on the 7th of June. The Full Moon in Sagittarius, a Fire energy, along with the Sun in Gemini, an Air energy, will provide much volatile energy that will contribute to the energy of change and transformation in your lives and on the Planet. This energy will continue to intensify to the 21st of June, which is the mid-year Planetary Solstice. At this time, the energy of Awakening will activate in the lives of many people around the Planet, as more and more souls awken to the reality of their Cosmic Being and Existence. You are all Starchildren, beings of Light and Spirit in Human incarnation, and you are awakening to your Cosmic nature and essence. But, even as you flow the Diamond Cosmic Light into your own Cosmic Heart Center and learn to dream your way through the Stars, it is so important that you be Grounded and Present, and that you remember that you chose to be here on Planet Earth in order to co-create the New Earth Reality. You are here, Beloved Ones, to ground Heaven on Earth, and to be the manifestation of that energy.
So, dearest Lightworkers, at this time of great soul awakening, it will be useful for you to focus your energy into Grounding, Connection and being Present. Be fully grounded in your physical body and enjoy each day of your life as a gift from Spirit. Be grateful and thankful for each day and its blessings and learnings. Remember to give thanks at the end of each day for all that has been given. The essence of Higher Dimensional life is Connection and Inter-connection. Even if the chaos of dimensional flux makes you feel disconnected on the outer levels of existence, go within, into your beautiful Diamond Heart Center, and feel the deep inner connection to All That Is and to all other Beings. Know that "disconnection" and "aloneness" are essentially third-dimensional experiences, and that when you enter into the awareness of the soul state of multi-dimensional inter-connectivity, then you are always supported in the flow of Abundant Love at all times.
Beloved Lightworkers, the most effective way to experience the blessings of Grounding and Connection is through the experience of Presence. This is the way in which you center your energy clearly into your present material reality, that you have created, and open yourself to receiving the blessings that exist within that Reality Creation. To be "present" in your own life means to take the time to experience each moment and each action as a miracle and as a blessing of love. To be Present means to value and deeply bless all that is in your life as a gift from the Creative Source. Beloved Ones, in this time of accelerated light energy, many of you are trying to live your material lives at the "speed of light" that is comfortable for your souls, but remember that the Sacred Union is a relationship between the Body and the Soul, and that the Body must feel equally as happy within the Union. The pace of the Body is slower. The Body needs time to experience, evaluate, discern and discriminate, in order to be comfortable. When your soul and spirit energies are aligned with your physical energies, then you will indeed feel the infinite expansion of Cosmic awareness, but you will also feel rested, relaxed and at ease within your physical being. If, at this time, you feel tense and anxious, or depressed, or if you have other physical symptoms of distress, or even if you feel ungrounded, then you will need to slow things down, until your body regains its sense of comfort and well-being.
The energies in June will support this process of Balance. The sun will be in Gemini, which is the sign of the "Twins". In the New Earth, this is the energy of the Twin Flame, and its energy will work within you to create Solar Balance between the inner aspects of the Divine Masculine and Feminine and will Balance and Activate the Golden Flame of Christ Consciousnes that will contribute to awakening and balancing on a deep level. Also, in June, the Planets of Venus and Mars, which represent the inner Masculine and Feminine energies, will travel together through the sign of Taurus. Taurus, the second house, ruled by Venus, creates a focus on Beauty, Grace, Art, Comfort and Abundance. It is a time to relax and focus on the well-being and joy of life in a physical body on Planet Earth. Allow the energies to lift you up and support you in your process of integration and balance at all times.
The Cosmic "Communion" of Light and the Cetacean Family of Light
Beloved Ones, at this time of Cosmic Reconnecdtion and Soul Awakening, you are indeed becoming aware of your roles as members of the Cosmic Stellar Community, or Star Nations. You are representatives of the New Earth Star, the Blue Star Planet. As such, you are entering into co-creative partnerships with other Cosmic Beings and civilizations who co-create on the Quantum Fields of Light. Your most close connection here is with the Cetacean Family of Light, the Whales and Dolphins, who are not only your Star brothers and sisters, but they are your Ancestors and your fellow travellers in your Earth Star Journey.
Beloved Lightworkers, at this time, the Cetacean Consciousness is entering into a Conscious Communion or partnership with the Human Collective to assist Planet Earth to evolve towards the Stargates of Higher Consciousness. Many of you, as beloved Human Family of Light, will be called to work with the Ancient Ones, the Cetaceans, and to move the Earth Dream forward in Conscious and Awakened partnerships.
The Cetacean Consciousness is an advanced Stellar navigation consciousness. They are the "pilots" of the Cosmic Ocean and the navigators of the Cosmic Journey. Many of you in Human incarnation are also "pilots" of the Cosmic Journey, and you are beginning to feel your "wings" unfurl as you prepare to resume your roles as Cosmic travellers for the Planetary Consciousness, as Dreamers of the New Dream for All. At this time, the Cetacean Consciousness will support you as you take your first "flights" into the Cosmic Heart and the Cosmic Dream.
So, Beloved Ones, expect an intensification of the energies of Awakening on your Planet in June. But, amid the chaos, find that deep inner connection that will sustain you and support you in your changes and transformations. You are becoming an awakened Cosmic Traveller.
The Energies for June 2009
The Full Moon falls on the 7th of June. The Full Moon will be in Sagittarius, which is a Fire sign. This is a good time for a Fire Ceremony to release all that is not needed and to welcome the power of Fire in its work of transformation. It is a powerful time for embracing the energy of Fire, the energy of Spirit, within your own Heart and Soul. When the Fire energy moves through a Diamond Heart, it creates the most beautiful rainbows of Light that can be shared with many other souls. Allow your Heart to become a Diamond Prism and to radiate the rainbow colors of your soul to others at this time. Be a Rainbow Receiver, and open your Heart to receive the Rainbow Light of others into your Being as One.
The 21st of June is the Planetary Solstice, and this will be a time of awakening, healing and balancing for the Planet and her inhabitants. Poweful waves of Diamond Light will continue to illuminate the Planet from the Cosmic Heart of All That Is. Those who open their Diamond Heart prism to receive these energies will be able to work as transmitters of the Diamond Light into the Hearts of Others at this time, and will become powerful agents of transmutation and change for the Planet.
On the 22nd of June the Sun moves into Cancer, and it is New Moon in Cancer. Cancer is a Water sign that is ruled by the Moon and the powerful Feminine energies of Intuition and Telepathy. At this time, it is a good idea to reconnect with the energies of the inner Lunar Being, the Moon Goddess, and to allow the quiet waters of the Heart and Soul to flow in Peace and Harmony as a support to the Diamond Light Radiance from the Cosmic Center.
We wish you Love and Radiance in your Journey in June!
cosmic vocabulary:
energy updates,
mass conciousness,
new earth,