Some of your reliable sources of news have been concerned with everything except the really big story that’s brewing in the skies. Why is that? It isn’t because it isn’t there to cover. It isn’t even because they — meaning the reporters and other people who tell you what’s going on in places you can’t see from your front porch — don’t believe the events being witnessed by many all over the world. No. Enough evidence of a breaking story is on the weave of awareness now in many forms to host a week’s worth of investigative journalistic interviews, exposes and overviews. Why the silence? “Run for cover, the aliens are coming” is a difficult mindset to break through, and frankly the show isn’t equipped for the drama. They have a practiced hand explaining catastrophe and disaster. But what can they do with the end of the world of fear? They might lose some advertising revenue. For the world to be at peace, they would have to re-think their entire reason for existing as an entity at all. It’s a tall order to fill in the midst of all the “real” news stories they have to cover.
We speak, of course, of the arrival in your visual perceptive field of swarms of lights in the sky.
More people are seeing something the droll news reporters can neither dismiss nor explain to much satisfaction. More photos are being shared publicly which defy stereotypically inane official do-not-disturb explanations. More reasons are surfacing to seriously consider the possibility that weather balloons and party favors cannot outmaneuver fighter jets, and that maybe the lights more and more people are seeing are something more, something literally out of this world. So, sensing that a down-to-earth explanation would be of some help during the news break, we come to you now, with this.
People of Earth, the time of global isolation in ignorance is over. You are about to host a party of galactic proportions. The first guests, having RSVPed, are milling about just beyond the garden gate, waiting to hear the announcement that the festivities have begun. It shouldn’t be long now. The truth can’t be kept waiting forever, you know.
Soon the stories will break. Along with them, so will some paradigms and probably more than a few minds. Do not fear, dear ones, don’t buy such an outmoded and useless commodity. Fear is old news. Tune into love and let the frequency of truth come into your heart unimpeded. It won’t be long until the word hits the streets about the big news story.
cosmic vocabulary:
cosmic conciousness,
galactic family,
mass conciousness,
new earth,