To get a clear picture of the STARGATE we need to clear out the obsolete mindfield. This can be done in a flash of DLC, Direct Light Current. 4.1 explains THE METHOD.
RITES OF PASSAGE: Get your circular Cosmic Cube diagram - print it and hang it in a convenient location. You can see your caterpillar, leaving the outer world of the "Enchanted Forest" and entering the Spiral Sky Staircase at Window 4.01
This caterpillar emerges as a butterfly at window 3.12, having interpenetrated the veil covering the unseen world. It is not the smartest or the strongest man who can penetrate the veil, but the one with purity of intent. In the beginning, Faith alone can push aside the interdimensional curtain to reveal the fantastic supernatural realm that directs matter to its destined end. Window 4.1 is defined as the magic triangle of Desire-(Red), Spiritual Humility or Wonder-(Green), and Discipline-(Yellow.) This magic triangle is rather like the "Bermuda Triangle", through which we can rise up in the air to meet Him: The Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.
WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM that is real and abiding! There are 144 specific steps by which to cross the Cosmic Bridge between dimensions. Each step begins by opening a window. Then windows become doors so that all mankind can pass right through into the Great White Throne Room. Windows open the veil like the pushbutton system on a combination lock. They run from 4.1 to 3.12.
Each person has two sides to their nature. A "little human me" and a "BIG COSMIC ME." We call the little self, the SUBJECTIVE nature, and the Big Self the OBJECTIVE nature. These two elements are often in conflict with one another. But each person is born with the inner urge to grow to become the BIGGEST ME possible. When we look back objectively along the bitter-sweet pathways of our earth life we see that this is what life's lessons have been about.
The Cosmic Cube student learns to classify media as being subjective or objective. Subjective media is person-oriented, concerned with commercial salesmanship. Objective media is altruistic and concerned with giving - serving life, nature and caring for others. We might call them YANG and YIN.
The "combination lock" for opening the shutters which have been covering the windows of the mind, is also known as the "SHIELD OF THOTH", which guards rites of passage between dimensions. This shield is impervious to matter until the "cosmic egg" of Earth is due to hatch, at which time the formerly thick wall gets thinner until it becomes transparent. Then finally, at 3.12 we get a still clear picture.
Window 4.1, is the key to the Stargate that will free all who choose to come. It opens into a passage that leads out of the dark labyrinth of the underworld tomb. It is as if a light turns on in a dark cave. Any sincere person can pass across the fields of time (as many have done) right back to STOP TIME at SQUARE ONE, Maximum II and a New Beginning for everyone on Earth.
All of the sacred flowers, animals, and other elements of nature have something to teach us as we undergo our metamorphosis from caterpillar, through cocoon, to radiant butterfly. The Totemic Snake of Wisdom, for example, grows too big for its former skin, so regularly pops its skin to fit its Bigger Me. So do we. Each time we grow BIGGER we get less subjective and more objective.
Herein lies THE SOLUTION. According to the scriptures there are seven seals, which equal seven "pops" of growth over the Seven Cosmic Days of re-creation. The King of Kings is he who pops the seventh seal. This happens at the end of our incubation period. It is like a whole nest of cosmic eggs popping all at once. This is what the Cosmic Cube is all about. It can pop you into Maximum II. The quest for Heaven on Earth, Here-Now, begins and ends in the Control Tower of mindspace called "THE MOTHERSHIP". In Metaphysics we call this point the "BTCA", burning tip of conscious awareness. This is the observer-light co-ordinator, the Feminine principle of the God-head. She is both "Gaia", our Natural Mother, and "Galaxia" our Spiritual Mother. She is the Cosmic Womb, in which microscopic and megascopic worlds are nurtured and born, first to collide then to converge into the Unified Field of Maximum II.
The Mothership of Consciousness is like a huge balloon or Atom that gets all blown up and equipped for the next portion of Her Infinite journey by Her Cosmic Lover, The Central Sun. During her gestation period She goes into a wrinkle in time, and ends up fully extended ready to give birth to the Galactic Human. Then She does a MEGA-POP, and LOVE congeals all her microparts in gravity. The same is true for all the human microparts within the MEGA-BALLOON. She is the great intelligent magnetic nimbus in which the carbon based Earth floats.
The word "Mothership", equates with the "Holy Barque" of the Ancient Eloha and Elohim. This great Mind-Ship sails the cosmic sea ad. infinitum. Our latest voyage into space and time nears completion, as we emerge from the Patriarchal Era (+1) which governed the forward thrust of evolution with subjectivity, into the YIN YANG ERA of perfect male-female equity.
This is how the stabilizer, the 2nd. Commandment of Life manifests. We learn to love our neighbour as ourself. Subjectivity (me first) and objectivity (all is one) held in balance.
All things come from THE ONE, and to THE ONE all things return. Before Omnipotent Mind, matter is as unstable as feathers in a volcano. "Star Ship Earth" passes back to its point of origin after undergoing a spiritual purification. This is the Horus Effect. It is like passing through the fiery furnace - the Central Sun.
This is where DLC - Direct Light Communication of a flashing Sephiroth disintegrates obsolete subjectivity, and useless parts are discarded. But all the good is saved and carried forward. Then all the good parts of the old world are re-assembled at a higher level of consciousness and efficiency than ever before known to man... in MAXIMUM II the YIN YANG ERA. Amen!
RECEPTIVITY to Light opens the Stargate - (Desire, Discipline, Spiritual Humility) - the exit-entrée window into the Upper Kingdom. The rest of the circular cube then functions as a winding staircase from earth to heaven, covering each of the levels between Earth and Heaven.
Christ said; "The road is steep and narrow" - Right On! However, once the first "New Kingdom Molecules" have completed their run through the transmutation vortex, and popped into the Upper Kingdom, they act as a rapid healing stimulant - like white cells in a diseased bloodstream, and it is much easier for the rest of the people to follow through.
The formerly narrow path becomes a Highway to Heaven. En route from 1.4 to 3.12 the critical path covers Global Strategy & Tactics for the whole earth transformation. The Cosmic Cube has a solid platform based on photographic evidence, proven performance and legal cement. The process moved from thesis, through anti-thesis to synthesis. It is backed by the solid evidence of its inventor's Claim to being IT: The true and complete solution to all planetary ills.
The initial thesis pre-supposes that Earth is a single organism. That an Omniscient Male Function, impressed a single bubble, or Female Atom and impregnated this "Cosmic Womb" with the Original Idea of a complete Genesis One. Lets call this the "BIG BANG". Then, within the closed circuitry of the Cosmic Womb ("Time Warp/Time capsule") tremendous activity takes place until the "Child of Heaven and Earth" (millions of humane molecules) is born as fission becomes fusion.
The result is "God Incorporated" in matter: Incarnate in millions of Its human microparts: and particle waves of Messianic Thought begin to inundate the old Earth system. This builds into a Tidal Wave of Light.
This same theory ponders that the same Omniscient Male Function could repeat Its connubial activities in millions of other "female" planetary systems to produce intelligent life which might appear totally different from mankind due to the maternal planetary environment. But the "life spark" would be the same as All Life has One Father.
It is quite logical therefore that any such "older brothers and sisters" would come to help out their half-brethren, when the Cosmic Egg of this planetary system was due to hatch. There are reams of soft and hard evidence to support this theory - as well as the mythical immaculate conception origins of many religions, such as Christianity. Hinduism goes even farther to illuminate the Unified Field - in that their Gods were sired by totemic birds and elephants... great stuff!
All the offspring of such a cosmic union would be unique but equal in potential. This is stated in the USA Constitution, which was written by Freemasons of the highest degree. The USA $1 bill gives credence to the Egyptian origin of Freemasonic thought. This coincides with the characters in the Egyptian theme of Perfect Equilibrium.
In the Egyptian concept of the Universe, atop the Scale of Balance, which represents the inevitable, inviolable Universal Ethic, sits the Ape of Thoth. This illustrates how animal man, the trousered ape, dances in ever increasing momentum of tort-retort until the feather (Spirit) and the human heart (Animal) come into perfect balance. Then worlds above and worlds below converge into one. The Devil function fits into the cosmic conspiracy. Great wisdom lies in the concept of the "Rival", the crocodile, or reptilian brain in the Egyptian thesis, and in its counterpart, the snake which grows a new skin to match its growing maturation. For maximum growth, the Wise Ones learn to face up to EVIL, and carefully explore the bottom of the bottomless pit where intellectual nutrients abound.
Window 4.01 emphasises ASH = Absolute Spiritual Humility. It happens when we reach a certain tier in the Sephirothic path, during which phase the old mindfield gets burned off with DLC's. In physics this is demonstrated in the CERN particle collision machine. The ZARG, or Z particle (5.12) is up till then a ghost, known only by a minute examination of IT's ash or fallout, the holograph of Its wake over time and space.
Each pearl of wisdom gleaned at the "bottom of the pit", or exploration of the hidden underworld which governs overt social and political thought is a priceless awakening tool.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for always" is the love ethic. Mind gleans a total understanding of the diabolical depth of the incorporated human soul, 666, the number of a man. Patriarchal thrust gives the reason why this severity phenomena must be. It ends in a perfectly logical system where 2+2=4.
Genesis 1, marked the Patriarchal Drive to technical evolution. This has run the human system via an unshakable Bureaucracy, wherein the strong and knowing harness the naive to pull their "Golden Chariots." Historic records show how keenly this unconscionable elite found its victims in the grass roots of humanity, by psychological manipulation of the honest, common man. It only works until the critical mass wakes up.
The old world system, governed by the reptilian brain, collapses in full view of the Whole Earth Eye when (+1) has completed its evolutionary run. Then there is an instant swing back to timeless Universal Ethics on New Earth Day at (+1)+(-1)=0
Shifting the gears in a Starship of this magnitude takes a lot of planning and organization. By Law, we can ask no other to do that which we have first not accomplished ourself = I AM A JEALOUS GOD. The Levanthian task (1.1) of evolution to the BIG OBJECTIVE SELF required a concerted effort on the part of every corpuscle of the LIGHT FORCES, that the subject matter of the Cosmic Cube be freely communicated to All In All by DLC.
Maitreya taught the passage of the blessing. If one Beloved Leader dies in battle, his blessing, or vital spiritual molecule is born again in another human until its appointed task is met. This is the British concept of "Viti Lampada", or passing the lighted torch from generation to generation. Like the tribal flag, which embodies the heritage of the tribe, The Blessing is handed on and communicated via multi-media: in print, on disc, in audio, video, art and word of mouth into the archives of infinity.
The COSMIC CUBE is our Tribal Testament, or testicle. It is the "fruit" of our labour of love, TRUTH as we know it for all the world to see. As our "Tribal form" faded, its substance clarified: ie. Christianity rises from hollow structure to the perfect functioning of the Spiritual intent.
"I AM, THE BOOK OF LIFE" advises "spiritual warriors" to search for ways to perform grass roots service, and turn away from finite baubles that beckon and glitter. For these blind the senses to the ABSOLUTE LAW of Universal Ethics; the corner stone of Kingdoms past; the MEGACORE of Kingdoms yet to be.
Window 4.01 opens the spiral staircase which leads gently through the dimensional Exit into the New Earth Era reality. Believe and receive. Receptivity leads through the land of opposites-resolved and passage through the mirror - Above The Abyss All Is Unity. Surrender means different things to different people. But all users of the device agree that they have witnessed the most fascinating phenomena in human history - a move from centrifugal to centripetal mindspace. The Cosmic Cube works. Test its formula. Climb its circular stairway to the stars. Human curiosity is mankinds' greatest strength. By going to the end of every thought we open the 4.1 Stargate.
Time spent alone in The Great Work is of the highest value. Magnification is a key part of the Perfect Process as it leads to a Perfected reflection, as in the Sun-Moon tradition. Anything less than a 100% focus and concentration makes this connection impossible by the impotency of the reflection. For in the final analysis, it's all done by mirrors in the Magic SUN-MOON-EARTH Golden Triangle.
cosmic vocabulary:
buddha conciousness,
cosmic conciousness,
energy updates,
new earth,