Steve Rother
Greetings from Home
Blind Creator Dolls
You will see this Earth change very rapidly over the next 200 years. Yes, we know you think 200 years is a long time, but you are beginning to see an evolution that has never taken place anywhere. For that reason, all eyes of the universe are on planet Earth watching what is taking place to see what is going to happen as these beings awaken from a dream, take their power and try to continue to live in that same space. It is quite exciting to watch from our perspective. There is much drama, energy, a lot of fun, laughter, tears… There is everything you would expect from a human drama, and yet we wish to tell you of a perspective from which we see you. It does not mean we are right or that we see things the way everyone should see them, but please understand when you have multiple visions of yourself, you have choices. We are offering you another vision. Let us tell you what you look like to us.
Imagine you have this little doll that walks around and interacts with the world around her. The doll keeps looking back to you to control her, and to tell her which way to go. The secret is that the doll is actually the creator of the scene, while you are the observer. The doll is actually not only creating her own experience, but controls every element of where she goes and what she does. That is much the way we see you. You are creators of Heaven on Earth. All we are attempting to do is to re-mind you of that fact. You create every thought that you hold in your being and it is revealed in some way. The thoughts you are most comfortable with most often are fear-based. As much as you consider that negative, difficult and bad, we tell you there is also beauty in the darkness. So do not judge yourself, but understand first that your entire reality is based on your thought process. Coincidence and accidents are illusions of the gameboard. Literally, you have placed your being in one of these physical bodies to try and find your own controls, to see where you can start leading yourself.
I’m Stuck!
Many times you find it confusing when you say, “Yes! I will take responsibility. I will take control of my own life. I will start using my powers and passion to the highest possibility,” and nothing seems to happen. Then you worry that you did something wrong, but consider instead that perhaps things are starting to be right. Perhaps you are ridding yourself of some of the things you have to do. We ask you first to start becoming comfortable with yourself and your own ideas of what your own reality would look like.
Now let us stand back and look at things from perspective wider view. It is the larger perspective on a collective basis where you are seeing changes on your planet, much more than individually at the moment. Many of your organizations and collective gatherings of souls now have to adapt to the higher vibrations you are creating and demanding that your world be in. As that happens you will see many changes that seem to have control over you, but realize that they do not because you are actually releasing that part of control. It is perfect for you to say that you want to be in your passion and to move in that direction no matter what it is and even if you cannot figure out a way to make a living doing that. Just experiencing your passion in the evenings or on weekends will help raise your overall vibration and all your interactions in your world around you. So the first thing you need to do is find out what makes your heart sing, and try to figure out ways of doing more of it. If you still feel like nothing is happening, there is another approach to try.
Conscious Perception Shift
The easiest way to change a situation is to shift your point of perception to accommodate a larger view. Humans are not conscious of doing that, but you will learn to do that very well over the next 100 years or so. Being able to change your perception about a situation at any time and to see it from multiple angles will be a very important part of human evolution. That is what is happening as you move out of this field of duality where you see everything as light and dark. It is now being balanced by the third position of the higher self, so in effect you are moving out of the field of duality and into the field of triality. The field of triality gives you more capabilities of your god-self in the physical body. When you first reach triality you ask yourself what you are going to do. You can do this or that, but you can also choose not do anything because you do not need to do anything. There is nothing wrong with that and it is not being stuck. That is simply enjoying a vibrational level where you need nothing from the outside.
There will come times in all of your lives when you will have those magical moments. It may be a moment, a day, a week, or a month, but whatever it is each one of you needs those times. Do not consider that to be stuck, because instead it is a time when you can catch your breath, a time where you are going to adapt your higher vibrations. There has been much confusion as you look at yourselves in this field of duality, for duality only shows light and dark and not all the different rainbow colors in between. It shows only the light and the absence of light, but those are the ends of the spectrum. There is no truth in these ends, for it is all in between. When you start to understand that you have been seeing everything in a very limited range¾a very small field of vision and vibration¾you can start to see what is happening on a larger scale.
That is where your confusion lies. You expect everything to come through those same channels, yet that is not the way spirit attracts or comes through you. The easiest way for you to change your perception is to move out of what is happening to you and put yourself in service. How about volunteering at a hospital or a hospice? How about doing anything to get you out of your stuck mode? Being in service helps transform me into we, and that dissolves the separation that makes everyone feel stuck. It simply is not possible for you to feel stuck when you are connected with other humans. Place yourself in a position of service and you change everything at that moment. It changes your perception, and gives you purpose and focus. At this point, you want to bring in your passion. You want to find that one gift that you can give better than anybody else, because each one of you has it. Every one of you came with a gift from Home that is not possible for anyone else to carry. It is your soul’s mission to share that, and the moment you change the me and into we you start to understand, you feel of use and your power returns. What magic! Now you have possibilities, so we will give you very definite pieces.
A Soul View of Humanity and Racism
Much has gone before you. Many have taught and brought you their truth. Many have worked from their hearts to improve humanity in some way. Most of it has been misdirected, for humanity does not need improving. All you need is a space for empowered humans to be able to thrive and grow without restriction and limitation. The new planet Earth is a place of encouragement. Because of that, you will be re-thinking much of the larger picture and even some of the things that are taught in your schools.
There has been much confusion about one particular point we wish to address this day. We understand it is confusing, but we ask you to look at it first from the perspective of spirit because dear ones: you are not humans. You are borrowing this body for a short time to let your spirit pretend to have a human experience.
Now let us look at a larger perspective, because there have been many leaders on your planet who through an honest desire to try and help have misdirected energy. You have seen it in slavery and racial struggles. We wish to give you another vision.
The Origin or Racism
There was a gentleman who came in and confused everyone with incredible knowledge and vision. His name was Charles Darwin and he channeled messages about the larger vision of life. Some of these messages helped humanity to adapt very quickly to the world around it and make fuller use of every part of their world. But there were certain elements of the explanations that seemed to be either incorrect or misunderstood. Let us address one in particular, the Theory of Natural Selection. This theory states that the fittest races seem to survive, while the weaker races seem to die out. It is easy to see in the animal kingdom that the Theory of Natural Selection proves true almost every time. That would indicate to you that one is better than the other, but that is not true and it is the part the human sees that the spirit disagrees with. Put another way, let us say that you, as a spirit, are coming into planet Earth. You are going to have an incarnation and you want to get this one right so you have your choice: you can choose this model here that has these attributes, or you can choose this model over there that has those attributes and may help you to learn a certain life lesson. Quite honestly, it does not make any difference which model you choose. The confusing part is that Darwin’s theory implies that one of these models is better than the other, but that is not true. Many times a soul will put itself into a challenging body to gain something or to be able to teach others. Never is a soul hampered by a physical body because you are not physical; you are a spirit pretending to be human. That is the most important part we wish to share with you, because as this new energy comes in and as these new concepts are revealed to you, you will have to release some of the old ideas.
The concept of racism on your planet is one of these old ideas. Powerful leaders convinced others they were doing something positive by eliminating select races or cleansing their ethnic background. You look at that and think it is the most atrocious thing you have ever heard, yet we tell you that it began with good intent. It did not work because the conclusions derived from Darwin’s work were from a human perspective and not from that of spirit. You keep forgetting that important point. One physical vehicle is not better than the other in that sense. Within each race there are specific attributes that are very desirable as a soul beginning a new visit to earth. Is it true that some races are dying out while others will survive and grow? Yes, that is a mater of nature and the physical. Yet it does not affect the choice of the soul as much as you would think. No spirit is ever hampered by a physical body, ever. That is important to keep in mind. On the spiritual level, everyone is equal, always because you are a part of each other, there is no difference.
When you unravel that mystery and look into the hearts and souls of all people, no matter what the bodies they inhabit are like, you will understand. Although one body may be designed better than another to accomplish a particular task, there is no such thing as bad or better just as it is with vibrations. Higher vibrations are not better than lower vibrations, they are simply different. A low C is not better than a high E on the piano, the two keys simply are made for different effects and uses.
Areas to Watch
You can see the soul inside a physical body if you just look. The moment you see the soul, everything else disappears because it is then that you start to see yourself. At that point, you can even fall in love. It makes no difference what body type, nor what your preferences or belief systems have historically been. If you pull away the veil and truly see another soul, you will fall in love with yourself and your image in the others eyes. That is what is happening more and more on this planet.
We will also tell you that in the years directly ahead, many of you have great sensitivities to the environment around you. Some of that may become difficult for some of you, because your sensitivities will increase at the same time as the background noise—what we would call white noise—of Earth will also rise. Many of you will feel distracted, as if you have a problem or cannot stay focused on things. Understand that the energy is changing, and your own preferences of how and where you would like to be, as well as what you need to support you are also changing. Many of your own preferences, even for things you love to eat, will change over the next few years. Suddenly you do not care for your old favorites anymore, yet things that you never tasted before or things that you did not like as a child all of a sudden you just cannot get enough of it. You will find that many of these things will change to help support your own vibrational changes as you move forward.
There will many of you who will start to discover your spirit. Those of you here in these rooms and watching this broadcast, you are teachers, dear ones. That is why you are drawn here, because you have something to say. We are here not to give you messages. We are not here to tell you what to do or even to give you hints about what is right or wrong for you because only you can tell that. We are here to help you find your voice. Let us explain because that, too, may help you to understand the overview of spirits pretending to be humans.
Life Extension
We look at it many different ways. We have had people come to the Keeper and ask, “Is it possible that I could be channeling the group, too?” He said, “Of course it is.” He is not the only one who hears these messages. Many of you resonate with these messages, because it resonates in your heart before it hits your ears. You know there is something here that you want to be reminded of something that can help you re-turn to your vibrations of Home. Yet many times when the Keeper calls on you and says, “Maybe you have something to say, too?” You pull back and say, “No, no, not me. I am here to listen. I am here to watch and learn.” That is fine. You can learn all you wish. The reality is that we know who you are, and your light is becoming so bright that it is not going to be possible to hide it for much longer. It is quite amusing to see people hide behind a bush and then when they light up they cannot keep hiding but still pretend to be. It is so funny for us to watch.
You are spirits, dear ones. Your bodies are only a temporary vehicle. Bless your body and enjoy it. It does a great job. Yes, the physical body can easily last for 300 years. It was originally designed for even more and has lasted more than 300 years in your own recorded history. You will return to that if you so choose, for life spans are more flexible than you think. There are people who automatically think, “I want to live for 1,000 years.” You would be bored out of your mind. It would be like living amongst the cockroaches and you would not be able to relate. Many of you will not be able to get rid of that image. As you move forward, this is an image we would like you to see.
Ice Cream
When the Keeper first began bringing our messages in, he was reading a book by Kryon and he asked, “Do you guys know Kryon?” We laughed hysterically. We thought it was so funny he asked the question, but he really wanted to know the answer. We said that when all is said and done, you will pull away the veil and find out you have all been channeling the same entity. That is confusing for you because of the truth. You are not accustomed to your own greatness. You are not accustomed to who you really are from our side of the veil. You are not accustomed to seeing yourselves the way we really see you. So let us give you an image of something that might help you see yourself in our eyes, for this is what you truly look like.
Many of you will not attempt to write a book because you think, “What can I say that has not been said before?” Many of you do not wish to stand on stage because you see greatness and think you are not great. You compare yourselves many times, so here is the image. Let us talk about ice cream for just a moment. We have never been to Earth so we have not had the pleasure of actually tasting this delicacy of yours called ice cream, but we can tell you that it is incredibly popular on this planet. Why? It is popular because of choices. Ice cream gives you different flavors, variety and choices. When you think of ice cream you do not think about how good it is going to taste, you think, “I get to choose this flavor, or I can choose that one,” and you are so barraged with the possibilities that the ice cream is already good before you ever taste it. You are the creators and you create that way ahead of time, so let us give you this view:
We are the ice cream. . .
You are the flavor.
We will come through you and yet each one of you will have a different flavor of spirit, because of your life experiences and of who you are. Chocolate ice cream is not better than vanilla, they are just different flavors. It takes a different perception at that point and we dare you to be the best flavor you can. Take all of your life experiences and that beautiful energy you feel coming through your heart and find a way to express it whether it is through art or channeling, music or writing. It makes no difference; you can use this anywhere. Let it shine through your beautiful flavor of this physical being that you are. Your soul will put the flavor on the ice cream and it will be one heck of a sundae.
Dear ones, if only you could see yourselves the way we see you, you would laugh hysterically at the whole game and all the restrictions that seem so big in your field. You would see the true nature of who you are and walk more proudly than you ever have before. We hope, this day, that you walk with pride with whatever flavor that is, because it is unique. It is your blend of light and spirit, that beautiful spirit being of yours that has gone on from lifetime to lifetime to be here right now. We love you more than you could possibly know because we see ourselves in you. We do not come here to give you messages to help you become better people. We come here because we are honored to be in your presence and that is how we see you—the bravest angels that have dared to take off your wings and play the game of being human. You are advancing all of the universe through every step you take, and it is beautiful beyond your understanding. Walk with pride. Be the best flavor you can be.
It is with the greatest of honor we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another every chance you get. Re-member it is a game. Play well together.
The group
cosmic vocabulary:
mass conciousness,
new earth,