We have had some consistency in our messages on the point of letting go of what you don't need so you can move on with less drag. In the past year, we have mentioned the concept in many ways. It is still a good idea to let go of that which was given to you by anyone else and focus on a new concept: The time is fast approaching when you will not have the luxury of spending much time consciously letting go of this and that, and you will instead be aware of your enhanced ability to transform what remains as ballast to the radiant kind of stuff light is made of. It's showtime, folks!
Human consciousness has just about reached saturation point as far as the nonsense that has been paraded around in front of you. Are you going to have a say in what is recognized as truth? The alternative is to remain mute as events unfold before the eyes of the ones among you who still hold onto fear, and the voice of terror drowns out the murmurings of peace. You have had quite enough of that already. It is time for love and reason to prevail. Soon we come.
It will be as brothers we come, not as conquerors, superiors, deities or disease-bearing intergalactic mutants. When you look in the mirror and see the reflection of one who sees into the soul and discerns divinity there, one who sees divinity in his or her own soul, when just a few more who sleep awaken at last to humanity's incessant clamoring to be free and happy and at peace, then, beloved family of light, we come. Before you know it, really. And then you might find the whole "releasing fear" thing itself to be a bit burdensome. And so we suggest working on transforming whatever fear remains into nothing more than tiny energetic packets of light information, which can be disassembled and rearranged and understood within a framework of matter resonant with life, not death, with life, not illusion. Life, beyond anything you have understood it to be for ever. That's where we're coming from.
How best to transform ballast into light is each person's personal quest, right now. Some are choosing to continue on the rut-filled road they have blindly followed for lifetimes, some are resisting the inevitable tipping of the scales, some are still fighting it with all their mettle. Be of no concern for those who choose what seems a dead-end street. All is not what it seems. Rather than attending to fear's sideshow, if you shift your loving awareness to the whole of humanity's awakening, these sleeping proud few will be better served. When the wringing of the hands is over, the clapping of the hands will begin. It is quite a show we have planned for opening night.
The doubt will give way to celebration soon enough, dear ones. It is a day we anticipate with much joy, for it will herald a bright new awareness in humans everywhere. Round and round will soon be on the straight arrow toward home. In the interim, release what you can of fear's weighty baggage, let go of the thoughts that keep you going around in circles, and transform the rest into thoughts that aim your heart and mind to the peace of OM, sweet OM. Bidding you a sweet adieu, we remain, Pleiadian Renegades.
cosmic vocabulary:
ascension update,
new earth,
this is beautiful ~ thankyou