Eternal Godliness

by Karen Bishop

One thing I have said over and over for several years is that
the higher realms are not what you might think. Much of what
we have been taught or read about is highly inaccurate.
Although this is not a simple process, basically it all boils down
to simplicity and how energy responds and interacts with itself.
There are higher and lower forms of vibrating energy creating
things that feel good and things that do not. So then, there is
no meaning to anything. Meaning is simply what we choose to
place on any particular manifestation. Some things may feel
good to one person according to how they interpret them, and
may feel very unpleasant to another. A rule of thumb, then,
might be that things either feel good or they feel bad. It's that

As we begin to vibrate higher and higher we become less and
less of a match to what has been created so far on this planet
and also to any lower vibrating aspects of other human
behaviors and realities. One might think that as we become
more spiritual we embody a great compassion, understanding,
and tolerance at higher levels than we ever have before. But
this is not the case. As we progress through ascension and
begin to vibrate higher and higher, we find ourselves becoming
highly intolerant of any lower vibrating energies. We simply
cannot be in their presence for very long and we may even
become angry and frustrated with them as well.

There is a method to this madness. As mentioned in earlier
sections of this book, there is a hierarchy to energetic levels
and dimensions. When we reach higher realities, it is very
difficult to reside or spend time in the lower realities. We are
simply not a match to them anymore. This response also has
other benefits. The intolerance greatly encourages us to create
more on the outside that matches how we are vibrating,
feeling and being on the inside. If our outside reality feels
downright awful, we will most assuredly be inspired to save
ourselves through our need to feel better by creating higher
ways of living and being. And by not tolerating and refusing to
be a part of the old reality, as we literally cannot stomach it
anymore, it makes us literally refuse to participate, therefore
withdrawing any energy of support. If we do not become
involved in something and negate it, it cannot survive because
there is no energy to make it real and alive. It will simply
cease to be as it will not be residing in anyone's consciousness.

Through this intolerance we are also being very direct. As we
progress into higher vibrating human beings, we find that we
can no longer beat around the bush, sit by and watch, or take
a long winding road to get anywhere. Higher energy moves in
a straight shot. It does not go here and there, make excuses
and support friends and family even though they are in
unhealthy situations, or sit blindly by. It is simple and direct.
No wishy washy uncertainty and passivity. The time is up for
tolerating the old and for waiting. It's the higher way or no
way. At some level we know this, and at times can find
ourselves addressing the lower vibrations very directly. In this
way, this is a higher form of love. It involves an inability to
support the lower vibrations in anything. We are actually being
supportive and loving in that we are now supporting the
highest ways through this intolerance. We are actually being
spiritual warriors of higher truth and greatly helping others.
In the higher realms we create through a partnership with
Source and as we are becoming more and more of Source
ourselves, we must connect much more deeply now in order to
create the higher ways. During these years of ascension, it can
appear that we are getting absolutely nowhere. It may seem
that nothing ever goes our way or that we are receiving very
little support for getting what we want.

This is really not the case. We do not want to create things
that are not of a higher vibration or that will no longer fit in the
near future. In other ways, we cannot create from ego in the
higher realms. When we are not getting what we want, it is
usually because we won't be in that situation or reality very
soon, or that we are not yet ready. If there is something that
you really feel you must have, then you are not ready to
receive it. It is ironic that we always get what we want when
we no longer want it. What is happening here is that we have
lost our attachment, which places us in a position for perfect
creating. In addition, we are not then, creating from our ego.
This is all part of the ascension process.

Through it all, we can get pretty discouraged at times. When
we get discouraged and let down over and over again, and feel
that all our dreams have shattered, we become apathetic. This
is perfect. It puts us into a space of letting go. We simply do
not care anymore. This makes us let go and release the
energy of attachment. We are then residing in neutral energy
with no agendas and this allows much more of Source to enter.
And of course, allows us to let go of many of the illusions.

Letting Go Through The Gift Of Darkness

At the highest levels, we are all going in the same direction to
assist in this miraculous ascension process. Everyone and
everything is in on this together and working as a team. At the
highest levels, everything always goes in the same direction,
supporting and assisting each soul with great love and with a
mutual consensus of the same desire and purpose. There is so
much love at the higher levels because all experiences are
created from a perfect synchronization of harmonizing

Just as the planets are vibrating with us as we are all one, all
souls are united as one as well. In my book Remembering
Your Soul Purpose / A Part Of Ascension, I devote an
entire chapter to this scenario. It explains how it relates to our
parents or primary caretakers, as it is so relevant to the
process of creation. This scenario also relates to all souls in
other ways too. Our parents or primary caretakers had
relationships with us that many might interpret as abusive. To
sidetrack a bit here, nearly all lightworkers were born into
abuse. This was certainly part of the grand plan as we knew
before we were born that we would use these relationships and
what they offered us as an opportunity to transmute the lower
vibrating energies or the darkness. We gladly took on these
darker energies as we knew how powerful we were as souls
and knew, then, that we would certainly succeed. This was a
part of the plan that we devised in order to assist in raising the
frequency of the planet as a whole.

But there is also another reason we chose to experience the
darkness through abuse. Darkness always serves to spur us on
by giving us the contrast we need to search for something
higher and better and to create something New. Darkness is
the power or fuel that ignites the light. If you had a parent
that was very absent, for instance, it would create in you a
strong desire for unity, and thus support your soul purpose of
creating unity. A parent that continually expressed to you that
you were nothing, would spur you on to show the world that
you were really something. These parental relationships were
planned at higher levels to specifically create the traits that you
came to embody. The souls of these abusive parents loved you
so much they that agreed to provide the necessary interactions
to support you in your purpose.

In November of 2004, George W. Bush was re-elected as
president here in the United States where I reside. Many
lightworkers as well as many other citizens of the US were
absolutely devastated. They felt that this man was leading the
country astray and promoting many dark and horrific acts as
well as making decisions that were not of the highest vibration.
He was, to them, embodying the worst case scenario that we
could ever imagine. Lightworkers felt a great sense of disbelief
and devastation and sank to very low depths of futility. What
they failed to see was that everything was in divine right order.

This beautiful soul, George W. Bush, had agreed to provide the
contrast needed to wake up as many individuals as possible so
that change could be created. Not enough people on the
planet were ready and willing to make change. It seems that
things need to get really bad before people are willing to let go
and finally embrace something New. George Bush provided
the means to create the contrast needed so enough individuals
would finally wake up. This amazing and divine soul has been
waving a red flag for awhile now, trying to get everyone's
attention so that there will no longer be apathy. He is giving
people the opportunity to say "We don't want this anymore!"
and to be able to more clearly define what it is that they do
want. As darkness usually does, it is illuminating the opposite
of the light so that individuals can get really clear regarding
what the higher road really is.

Part of the ascension process involves a willingness to let go.
Darkness can create the impetus to convince people to let go
of the old and try something New. Darkness makes us ready
to let go of the lower vibrations by making them very dark. It
seems that things have to get pretty bad before enough people
are ready to give up their securities and embrace change. And
in addition, the darkness will continue for as long as it takes in
order for a critical mass to be reached. So for those who have
been ready for awhile (i.e. have let go of much and moved on
into a higher way of being), it can be challenging to have to
remain in uncomfortable outside manifestations of the
collective until enough people wake up and are ready and
willing to do something different. In other words, you may be
ready to create a Newer and higher vibrating reality that
matches the New you, but the collective, or majority of the
planet, is not. This is when it can become challenging as the
contrast of the outside world can feel downright awful and
uncomfortable. So then, the darkness creates the impetus to
let go of the old (as it is dark). It then takes enough
individuals, or a critical mass who have let go of the old,
denser energies, before the New can be created. Enough
individuals though a critical mass are needed to create
something New as the New needs to be embraced, wanted and
needed. When the scales tip, then the New is ready to arrive
through an opening of willingness and summoning from the
critical mass. In this way, the darkness is supporting the
process and contributing its' purpose in a beautiful and loving

Many lightworkers also feel that it is time that we have political
representation that vibrates much higher. This cannot possibly
happen now. The manifestation of a highly vibrating
government and its representatives can only occur when it
matches the vibration of the critical mass or enough of the
collective. We are not there yet. For instance, it would not
make sense for a being of light to be president of the United
States right now, because not enough citizens could even
relate to what this individual was about. There would be no
matching of energies. He/she would not be representing the
majority. To manifest something, one must first be it. The
United States is not yet being a higher vibration as a whole.
This process is gradual and involves huge change, and it
cannot happen overnight. Even though many lightworkers
think they are of a higher way, many are simply not. The
higher way is simply in their mental processes and in their
awareness. Their transmuting process, although intense and
substantial, is not yet done. They are not yet being or
vibrating what it is they desire a political leader to be. And
once they are being it, they will no longer have the desire to
have it manifest on the outside anyway.

In the higher realms, we do not create through contrast or
polarity (or darkness). As we integrate the polarity more and
more, and as we become the higher realms more and more,
this form of creating will eventually cease to exist. Being that
there is no dark or light, good or bad, or right or wrong, as we
are all one, the higher realms does not look like this linear
state of existence. Everything simply is.

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