1. First of all, the prophecy of Jesus himself as recorded in Matthew 12:39,40 and Luke 11:29,30. There shall be no sign given to it but the sign of Jonah, the prophet. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Now it is an admitted fact that Jonah entered alive into the whale's belly and also came out alive. Jesus tells us that he shall be in the heart of the earth in the same manner as Jonah entered alive into the whale's belly. In other words, he would enter alive into the heart of the earth and come out alive. No other interpretation can establish a similarity between the two. In citing his resemblance with the prophet Jonah, Jesus foretold his own end, indicating that he would not die on the cross but would, like Jonah, be only in a state of unconsciousness.
2. The old Testament says that "a person who dies on the cross is accursed of God". Such a death is inconceivable for a righteous prophet of God and the occurrence of such an event deserves to be rejected out of hand on that score alone.
3. After Jesus was taken down from the cross, his body was handed over to Joseph of Arimathaea - a respectable, noble man of the neighborhood commanding great influence with everyone, including the Romans. He was a secret disciple of Jesus. The handing over of the body of Jesus to him was part of the design of Pilate to save Jesus, since Pilate, both under the influence of his wife's dream and his own conviction, was favorably disposed towards Jesus. Whatever hostile action he took against Jesus was only out of fear of the Jews. Joseph found that Jesus was, in fact, not dead but only unconscious, and removed him to a large new sepulcher in a garden close by.
4. The Gospels afford further proof that it was not in celestial body but in the same body of flesh and bone which had been nailed to the cross that Jesus appeared to his disciples after his supposed death. Thus we read that Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples as they sat at a meal (Mark 16:9,14). And when they saw him they supposed that they had seen a spirit. But he showed them his hands and feet and asked them to handle him saying, "A spirit hath not bones and flesh as ye see me have." Then he took from them a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb and ate it before them (Luke 224:39-43). It is evident that the acts which Jesus performed, like eating, drinking, sleeping, holding conversations and taking a long journey, were performed with a human body and not with a celestial body. This proves irrefutably that Jesus did not bodily rise to Heaven.
The Gospels said that Jesus remained on the cross for a very short time and, because of the sanctity of the Sabbath on the following day and the storm on that afternoon, his body was removed speedily from the cross. His wounds were treated with a special ointment and, on gaining strength, he escaped to Galilee.
Let us now see what evidence the Holy Quran provides on the subject. It is stated in the Holy Quran:
The Jews did not slay Jesus nor did they put an end to his life on the cross but simply were in doubt concerning his end. In other words, they imagined that Jesus had died on the cross which was, in fact, not true.
Another verse of the Holy Quran regarding Jesus runs thus:
He would be distinguished in this world and in the next and would be one of those who have near access to God. (ch. 3: v. 46)
In other words, it was proclaimed that Jesus would attain to dignity, honor and eminence in this world and in the next. Worldly honor and eminence certainly did not come to him in the land of his birth and fulfillment of this part of the prophecy took place only after he had journeyed to Kashmir where he achieved temporal dignity also among the lost tribes of Israel.
Again we find in the Holy Quran the words which show that, in answer to a question from God if he had taught the people to take him (i.e. Jesus) for God, Jesus would state:
...and I was a witness of their action so long as I lived among them but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast watched over them. (ch. 5: v. 118)
These words tell us plainly that the Christians departed from Jesus' teachings after his death. In another verse, the Holy Quran hints at his journey to Kashmir. It says:
...and We gave Jesus and his mother refuge in a lofty place which was secure and watered with springs. (ch. 23: v. 51)
The word awa used in Arabic signifies the giving of refuge against danger. It will thus be seen that the thesis about Jesus having escaped from the cross, as stated in the Gospels, is also confirmed by the verses on this subject in the Holy Quran.
experpted from : The Lost Tribes of Israel
cosmic vocabulary:
buddha conciousness,
cosmic conciousness,